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function hosting_cron_queue in Hostmaster (Aegir) 6

Implementation of hosting_QUEUE_TYPE_queue().


modules/hosting/cron/hosting_cron.module, line 29
Allow the hosting system to cron all the installed sites on a schedule.


function hosting_cron_queue($count) {
  $result = db_query("SELECT n.nid FROM {node} n LEFT JOIN {hosting_site} s ON n.nid=s.nid WHERE n.type='site' and s.status = %d ORDER BY s.last_cron ASC, n.nid ASC", HOSTING_SITE_ENABLED);
  $i = 0;
  while ($i < $count && ($nid = db_fetch_object($result))) {
    $site = node_load($nid->nid);
    $site_name = hosting_context_name($site->nid);
    if (variable_get('hosting_cron_use_backend', TRUE)) {
      provision_backend_invoke($site_name, "cron");
    else {

      // Optionally add the cron_key querystring key if the site has one.
      $url = _hosting_site_url($site) . '/cron.php';
      if (!empty($site->cron_key)) {
        $url .= '?cron_key=' . rawurlencode($site->cron_key);
      drush_log(dt("running cron on URL %url", array(
        '%url' => $url,
      $response = drupal_http_request($url);
      if (isset($response->error) && $response->error) {
        watchdog('hosting_cron', 'cron failed on site %site with error %error', array(
          '%site' => $site->title,
          '%error' => $response->error,
        ), WATCHDOG_NOTICE);

        // don't update the timestamp

    // We are updating the site table here directly to avoid a possible race condition,
    // with the task queue. There exists a chance that they might both try to save the
    // same node at the same time, and then an old record from the cron queue might
    // replace the newly updated record.
    db_query("UPDATE {hosting_site} SET last_cron=%d WHERE nid=%d", time(), $site->nid);