SelfSigned.php in Aegir HTTPS 7.3
submodules/self_signed/drush/Provision/Service/Certificate/SelfSigned.phpView source
* A SelfSigned implementation of the Certificate service type.
class Provision_Service_Certificate_SelfSigned extends Provision_Service_Certificate {
public $service = 'SelfSigned';
public $can_generate_default = TRUE;
* Initialize this class, including option handling.
function init_server() {
* Register configuration classes for the create_config / delete_config methods.
$this->configs['server'][] = 'Provision_Config_SelfSigned';
* Configurable values.
->setProperty('self_signed_field', 'default');
* Non configurable values.
$this->server->self_signed_config_path = $this->server->aegir_root . '/config/self_signed.d';
* Pass additional values to the config file templates.
* Even though the $server variable will be available in your template files,
* you may wish to pass additional calculated values to your template files.
* Consider this something like the hook_preprocess stuff in drupal.
function config_data($config = null, $class = null) {
// This format of calling the parent is very important!
$data = parent::config_data($config, $class);
* This value will become available as $self_signed_current_time
* in all the config files generated by this service.
* You could also choose to only conditionally pass values based on
* the parameters.
$data['self_signed_current_time'] = date(DATE_COOKIE, time());
return $data;
* Return the path where we'll generate our certificates.
function get_source_path($https_key) {
return "{$this->server->self_signed_config_path}/{$https_key}";
* Retrieve an array containing the actual files for this https_key.
function get_certificates($https_key) {
$certs = parent::get_certificates($https_key);
// This method is not strictly required, since it's just calling the parent
// implementation. However, for illustrative purposes, this is where we'd
// alter certificate paths, if we wanted to.
return $certs;
* Retrieve an array containing source and target paths for this https_key.
function get_certificate_paths($https_key) {
$source_path = $this
$target_path = "{$this->server->http_ssld_path}/{$https_key}";
$certs = array();
$certs['https_cert_key_source'] = "{$source_path}/openssl.key";
$certs['https_cert_key'] = "{$target_path}/openssl.key";
$certs['https_cert_source'] = "{$source_path}/openssl.crt";
$certs['https_cert'] = "{$target_path}/openssl.crt";
return $certs;
* Generate a self-signed certificate for the provided key.
* Because we only generate certificates for sites we make some assumptions
* based on the uri, but this cert may be replaced by the admin if they
* already have an existing certificate.
function generate_certificates($https_key) {
$path = $this
->create_dir($path, dt("HTTPS certificate directory for %https_key", array(
'%https_key' => $https_key,
)), 0700);
if (provision_file()
->status()) {
drush_log(dt('generating 2048 bit RSA key in %path/', array(
'%path' => $path,
* according to RSA security and most sites I could read, 1024
* was recommended until 2010-2015 and 2048 is now the
* recommended length for more sensitive data. we are therefore
* taking the safest route.
drush_shell_exec('openssl genrsa -out %s/openssl.key 2048', $path) || drush_set_error('HTTPS_KEY_GEN_FAIL', dt('failed to generate HTTPS key in %path', array(
'%path' => $path . '/openssl.key',
// Generate the CSR to make the key certifiable by third parties
$domain = $https_key == 'default' ? 'default.invalid' : d()->uri;
$ident = "/CN={$domain}/emailAddress=abuse@{$domain}";
drush_shell_exec("openssl req -new -subj '%s' -key %s/openssl.key -out %s/openssl.csr -batch", $ident, $path, $path) || drush_log(dt('failed to generate signing request for certificate in %path', array(
'%path' => $path . '/openssl.csr',
// sign the certificate with itself, generating a self-signed
// certificate. this will make a SHA1 certificate by default in
// current OpenSSL.
drush_shell_exec("openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in %s/openssl.csr -signkey %s/openssl.key -out %s/openssl.crt", $path, $path, $path) || drush_set_error('HTTPS_CERT_GEN_FAIL', dt('failed to generate self-signed certificate in %path', array(
'%path' => $path . '/openssl.crt',
Name | Description |
Provision_Service_Certificate_SelfSigned | A SelfSigned implementation of the Certificate service type. |