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Server.php in Aegir HTTPS 7.3


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 * Server config file for Nginx HTTPS.
 * This configuration file replaces the Nginx server configuration file, but
 * inside the template, the original file is once again included.
 * This config is primarily reponsible for enabling the HTTPS relation settings,
 * so that individual sites can just enable them.
class Provision_Config_Nginx_Https_Server extends Provision_Config_Http_Https_Server {

  // We use the same extra_config as the nginx_server config class.
  function process() {
    $this->data['extra_config'] = "# Extra configuration from modules:\n";
    $this->data['extra_config'] .= join("\n", drush_command_invoke_all('provision_nginx_server_config', $this->data));



Namesort descending Description
Provision_Config_Nginx_Https_Server Server config file for Nginx HTTPS.