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function hosting_letsencrypt_update_7300 in Aegir HTTPS 7.3

Verify the server node to get the dehydrated code updated.


submodules/letsencrypt/hosting_letsencrypt.install, line 11
Define update functions for the hosting_https letsencrypt submodule.


function hosting_letsencrypt_update_7300() {

  // node_access from the the hosting_add_task hook fails without the following defintion.
  if (!defined('HOSTING_ADMIN_CLIENT')) {
    define('HOSTING_ADMIN_CLIENT', variable_get('hosting_admin_client', 1));
  $hostmaster_nid = hosting_get_hostmaster_site_nid();
  $hm = node_load($hostmaster_nid);
  $server_nid = $hm->web_server;
  hosting_add_task($server_nid, 'verify');