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function hosting_https_feature_enable_callback in Aegir HTTPS 7.3

Callback function to execute on enabling this module's feature.

@see: hosting_example_hosting_feature().

1 string reference to 'hosting_https_feature_enable_callback'
hosting_https_hosting_feature in ./
Implements hook_hosting_feature().


./hosting_https.module, line 123
Hook implementations for the Hosting HTTPS module.


function hosting_https_feature_enable_callback() {
  drupal_set_message(t("Please make sure you have enabled HTTPS support in your webserver, e.g. by enabling mod_ssl in Apache."));
  drupal_set_message(t("To start using HTTPS please edit the desired server node within Aegir to set it from e.g. 'apache' to 'apache_https'."));