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class Provision_Config_Http_Https_Site in Aegir HTTPS 7.3

Base class for HTTPS enabled virtual hosts.

This class primarily abstracts the process of making sure the relevant keys are synched to the server when the config files that use them get created.


Expanded class hierarchy of Provision_Config_Http_Https_Site


drush/Provision/Config/Http/Https/Site.php, line 9

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class Provision_Config_Http_Https_Site extends Provision_Config_Http_Site {
  public $template = 'vhost_https.tpl.php';
  public $disabled_template = 'vhost_https_disabled.tpl.php';
  public $https_cert_ok = TRUE;
  public $description = 'encrypted virtual host configuration';
  function write() {
    if ($this->https_enabled && $this->https_key && !drush_get_error()) {
      $path = dirname($this->data['https_cert']);

      // Make sure the ssl.d directory in the server ssl.d exists.
        ->create_dir($path, dt("HTTPS Certificate directory for %key on %server", array(
        '%key' => $this->https_key,
        '%server' => $this->data['server']->remote_host,
      )), 0700);

      // Copy the certificates to the server's ssl.d directory.
      if (!provision_file()
        ->copy($this->data['https_cert_source'], $this->data['https_cert'])
        ->status()) {
        if (drush_get_option('hosting_https_fail_task_if_certificate_fails', FALSE)) {
          drush_set_error('HTTPS_CERT_COPY_FAIL', dt('failed to copy HTTPS certificate in place'));
        else {
          drush_log(dt('failed to copy HTTPS certificate in place'), 'warning');
        $this->https_cert_ok = FALSE;
      if (!provision_file()
        ->copy($this->data['https_cert_key_source'], $this->data['https_cert_key'])
        ->status()) {
        if (drush_get_option('hosting_https_fail_task_if_certificate_fails', FALSE)) {
          drush_set_error('HTTPS_KEY_COPY_FAIL', dt('failed to copy HTTPS key in place'));
        else {
          drush_log(dt('failed to copy HTTPS key in place'), 'warning');
        $this->https_cert_ok = FALSE;

      // Copy the chain certificate, if it is set.
      if (!empty($this->data['https_chain_cert_source'])) {
        if (!provision_file()
          ->copy($this->data['https_chain_cert_source'], $this->data['https_chain_cert'])
          ->status()) {
          if (drush_get_option('hosting_https_fail_task_if_certificate_fails', FALSE)) {
            drush_set_error('HTTPS_CHAIN_COPY_FAIL', dt('failed to copy HTTPS certficate chain in place'));
          else {
            drush_log(dt('failed to copy HTTPS certficate chain in place'), 'warning');
          $this->https_cert_ok = FALSE;

      // If cert is not ok, turn off ssl_redirection.
      if ($this->https_cert_ok == FALSE) {
        $this->data['ssl_redirection'] = FALSE;

      // Sync the key directory to the remote server.

    // Call parent's write AFTER ensuring the certificates are in place to prevent
    // the vhost from referencing missing files.

   * Remove a stale certificate file from the server.
  function unlink() {
    if ($this->https_enabled) {

      // TODO: Delete the certificate. Presumably this should look something like:
      // $this->server->service('Certificate')->delete_certificates($this->https_key);

