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class HostingPlatformComposerGitForm in Aegir Deploy 7.3

@file The HostingPlatformComposerGitForm class.


Expanded class hierarchy of HostingPlatformComposerGitForm


modules/platform_composer_git/includes/, line 6
The HostingPlatformComposerGitForm class.

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class HostingPlatformComposerGitForm extends HostingForm {

  // Fields managed by this module.
  protected $fields = [
  public function __construct(&$form, &$form_state, &$node = FALSE) {
    parent::__construct($form, $form_state, $node);
    if ($this->node->type == 'platform') {
      $this->platform = new HostingPlatformComposerGitNode($node);
  public function alter() {
      ->moveFieldsIntoFieldset('platform_composer_git', $this->fields);
    $this->form['platform_composer_git']['#title'] = 'Deploy a Composer project from a Git repository';
    $this->form['platform_composer_git']['#description'] = '
<p>You may deploy this platform from a Composer project Git URL.</p>

<p>You\'ll need a Git repository started with something like the following:</p>

<p><code>composer create-project drupal-composer/drupal-project:8.x-dev new-drupal-project --stability dev --no-interaction</code></p>

<p>Note that until <a href="">Including Drush 9 in a Composer-based platform breaks Provision\'s verify</a> is resolved, the Drush dependency must be moved to the development section of the makefile in order for the build to work properly within Aegir.  So you\'ll need to either move it from the <em>require</em> section to the <em>require-dev</em> section manually, or run a command like this:</p>

<p><code>composer require --dev \'drush/drush:^9.0.0\'</code></p>
  protected function lockFields() {
    if (isset($this->node->platform_status) && $this->node->platform_status != HOSTING_PLATFORM_QUEUED) {
      foreach ($this->fields as $field) {
  public function submit() {
  protected function setProjectPath() {
    if ($this
      ->isANewNode() && !empty($this
      ->getFormStateValue('field_composer_git_project_url'))) {
        ->setFormStateValue('field_composer_git_path', $this
  protected function setPublishPath() {
    if (!empty($this
      ->getFormStateValue('field_composer_git_docroot'))) {
      $publish_path = $this
        ->getFormStateValue('field_composer_git_path') . '/' . $this
        ->setFormStateValue('publish_path', $publish_path);



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
HostingForm::$form public property
HostingForm::$form_state public property
HostingForm::$node public property
HostingForm::addSubmitHandler public function Register a form submit handler.
HostingForm::addValidateHandler public function Register a form validate handler.
HostingForm::closeOverlay function Properly close dialogs, or re-direct back to source node, depending on whether overlay.module is enabled.
HostingForm::disableField protected function Hide a form field.
HostingForm::error public function
HostingForm::getFormStateValue public function
HostingForm::isAField protected function
HostingForm::isANewNode protected function Determine whether we're creating a new node, or editing an existing one.
HostingForm::language protected function
HostingForm::makeFieldReadOnly public function Render a form field un-editable.
HostingForm::makeFieldsetsIntoRadios protected function
HostingForm::moveFieldsIntoFieldset protected function
HostingForm::setFieldListOptions protected function
HostingForm::setFormDefaultValue protected function
HostingForm::setFormStateValue public function
HostingPlatformComposerGitForm::$fields protected property
HostingPlatformComposerGitForm::alter public function
HostingPlatformComposerGitForm::lockFields protected function
HostingPlatformComposerGitForm::setProjectPath protected function
HostingPlatformComposerGitForm::setPublishPath protected function
HostingPlatformComposerGitForm::submit public function
HostingPlatformComposerGitForm::__construct public function Contructor method. Overrides HostingForm::__construct