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function hosting_subdirs_form_site_node_form_alter in Hosting 6.2

Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().


subdirs/hosting_subdirs.module, line 20
Allow sites to be installed in subdirectories.


function hosting_subdirs_form_site_node_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state) {
  $form['title']['#description'] = 'Hint: To create a site using a subdirectory, name it using a subdomain (e.g.,, and then enter an alias below for the desired subdirectory (e.g., <strong>Note that subdomain (foo) and subdirectory name (foo) must be identical</strong>. If you plan to use also the root domain (e.g.,, you must create a site with the root domain *before* adding sites in its subdirectories. Note: Once the first site in a subdirectory is created and the parent site also exists, the parent site must be re-verified (just once) to turn on the web server configuration for the first (and any future) sites in its subdirectory. All sites sharing the same parent URL can use any profile, in any platform, and can be freely migrated, cloned, etc.';