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function hosting_find_deploy_commands in Hosting 7.4

Load deploy command from site source code.

Possible sources: 1. Platform defaults: hosting_platform_load() (To be migrated to the devshop/platform class) 2. Platform composer.json: extra.devshop.commands.$COMMAND_NAME 3. Platform X.yml (@TODO). 4. Site {hosting_site_commands}: SQL table in control site stores site-specific command overrides. (@TODO)

Each source provides a command for each "phase". If subsequent sources provide a command for a phase, it will override the earlier one.


Composer Platform: Development Site.

1. Platform composer.json defines default composer install command. in ``: composer install --no-dev --no-suggest --no-progress 2. Site gets created with "install" option that overrides platform "install", which gets saved to {hosting_site_commands} entry: composer install --dev.

@TODO: Move to drupal/provision once hosting requires drupal/provision.

2 calls to hosting_find_deploy_commands()
hosting_platform_load in platform/hosting_platform.module
Implements hook_load().
hosting_site_load in site/
Implements hook_load().


site/, line 506
Site nodeapi implementations.


function hosting_find_deploy_commands($node) {
  $composer_json_path = $node->git_root . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'composer.json';
  if (file_exists($composer_json_path)) {
    $composer_data = json_decode(file_get_contents($composer_json_path), TRUE);
    $commands = isset($composer_data['extra']['devshop']['commands']) ? $composer_data['extra']['devshop']['commands'] : array();
  else {
    $commands = array();
  return $commands;

  // @TODO: Look for site command overrides. Remember platform nodes run this too