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function _hosting_platform_requirements in Hosting 5


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Hosting help subsystem


function _hosting_platform_requirements() {
  $platform = node_load(HOSTING_OWN_PLATFORM);
  $web_server = node_load(HOSTING_OWN_WEB_SERVER);
  $db_server = node_load(HOSTING_OWN_DB_SERVER);
  $task = hosting_get_most_recent_task($platform->nid, 'verify');
  $help['title'] = t('Provisioning framework status');
  $help['summary'][] = t('In order for the hosting system to be able to create sites, it needs a platform to publish these sites on. A platform is a Drupal site that has the provision back end installed. Each platform also requires one correctly configured web server and one correctly configured database server. Once a new platform has been created, Hosting will automatically schedule a task that will verify the new platform is working properly.');
  $help['summary'][] = t('As hosting is also running on a platform, it is suggested that you succesfully configure your <a href="@platform">primary platform</a>
    before creating additional platforms and servers.', array(
    '@platform' => url('node/' . HOSTING_OWN_PLATFORM),
  $help['summary'][] = t('Each platform must be verified at least once, but if you find your platform is not being verified, look at the error log on the <a href="@verify_link">Verify platform task of this platform</a>', array(
    "@verify_link" => url("node/" . $task->nid),
  return $help;