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function _hosting_introduction in Hosting 5

TODO: replace. this is OLD OLD OLD

1 call to _hosting_introduction()
hosting_wizard_complete in ./
The last page.


./, line 233
Hosting help subsystem


function _hosting_introduction() {
  $default_message = t('<p>Please follow these steps to set up and start using your website:</p>');
  $default_message .= '<ol>';
  $default_message .= '<li>' . t('<strong>Configure your website</strong>
                  Once logged in, visit the <a href="@admin">administration section</a>,
                  where you can <a href="@config">customize and configure</a> all aspects of your website.', array(
    '@admin' => url('admin'),
    '@config' => url('admin/settings'),
  )) . '</li>';
  $default_message .= '<li>' . t('<strong>Configure the Hosting framework.</strong>
    You now have a configured provisioning framework, but there are some additional configuration options for the hosting framework that can be set.
    Please visit the <a href="@hosting_admin">hosting administration</a> section for more information.', array(
    '@hosting_admin' => url('admin/hosting'),
  )) . '</li>';
  $default_message .= '<li>' . t('<strong>Create your first hosted site.</strong> This system uses special site posts to store information about your sites, so you can simple <a href="@create_site">create a site post</a> to get your first hosted site running.', array(
    '@create_site' => url('node/add/site'),
  )) . '</li>';
  $default_message .= '</ol>';
  $default_message .= '<p>' . t('For more information, please refer to the <a href="@help">help section</a>, or the <a href="@handbook">online Drupal handbooks</a>. You may also post at the <a href="@forum">Drupal forum</a>, or view the wide range of <a href="@support">other support options</a> available.', array(
    '@help' => url('admin/help'),
    '@handbook' => '',
    '@forum' => '',
    '@support' => '',
  )) . '</p>';
  $output = '<div id="first-time">' . $default_message . '</div>';
  return $output;