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function hosting_wizard_next_step in Hosting 5

2 calls to hosting_wizard_next_step()
hosting_wizard_form in ./
Form modifier similar to confirm_form
hosting_wizard_form_submit in ./
Additional submit handler that gets added to the end of all wizard forms.


./, line 634


function hosting_wizard_next_step() {
  static $static = null;
  if (!$static) {
    $steps = hosting_wizard_steps();
    $names = array_keys($steps);

    // just in case
    $current = current($names);
    while ($current != hosting_wizard_current_step()) {
      $current = next($names);
    $static = next($names);

    // If the next page is the default tab, skip over to the next page.
    if ($steps[$static]['type'] == MENU_DEFAULT_LOCAL_TASK) {
      $static = next($names);

      // step over default tabs.
  return $static;