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function _hosting_valid_fqdn_subdir in Hosting 6.2

Check if the FQDN provided is valid for subdir alias.


$fqdn: The Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) to validate.

Return value

An integer greater than 0 if the $fqdn is valid, or 0 or FALSE if it not valid.

1 call to _hosting_valid_fqdn_subdir()
hosting_alias_validate_subdir in alias/hosting_alias.module
Ensure that an alias is valid for subdir site.


./, line 66
General purpose Hosting module functions.


function _hosting_valid_fqdn_subdir($fqdn) {
  return preg_match("/^([a-z0-9]([a-z0-9-\\/]*[a-z0-9])?\\.?)+\$/i", $fqdn) && preg_match("/\\//", $fqdn) && !preg_match("/\\/\\//", $fqdn);