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Functions in Hosting 6.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
hosting_dns_hosting_feature dns/ Implementation of hook_hosting_feature().
hosting_dns_hosting_service dns/hosting_dns.module Implementation of hook_hosting_service().
hosting_dns_hosting_service_type dns/hosting_dns.module Implementation of hook_hosting_service_type().
hosting_dns_install dns/hosting_dns.install Implementation of hook_install().
hosting_dns_schema dns/hosting_dns.install Implementation of hook_schema().
hosting_dns_uninstall dns/hosting_dns.install Implementation of hook_uninstall().
hosting_domain_allowed ./hosting.module Check site URL is allowed. 4
hosting_drush_command ./ Implementation of hook_drush_command().
hosting_drush_import ./ Imports a drush named context / "site alias" into the hostmaster front end, by creating nodes and translating the value. 3
hosting_example_feature_disable_callback example/hosting_example.module Callback function to execute on enabling this module's feature. 2
hosting_example_feature_enable_callback example/hosting_example.module Callback function to execute on enabling this module's feature. 2
hosting_example_hosting_feature example/ Implementation of hook_hosting_feature().
hosting_example_hosting_service example/hosting_example.module Expose a service implementation to the service API.
hosting_example_hosting_service_type example/hosting_example.module Expose a type of service to the Service API.
hosting_feature ./ Determine whether a specific feature of the hosting system is turned on. 14
hosting_features_form ./ The Hosting features form. 1
hosting_features_form_submit ./ Submit callback for the Hosting features form. 1
hosting_feature_node_types ./ Determine which node types are provided by Hosting features. 2
hosting_format_interval ./ Format a timestamp as a string in a friendly way. 8
hosting_form_alter ./hosting.module Implementation of hook_form_alter().
hosting_form_verify_reqd_submit ./hosting.module Submit handler to add a message that verify is required for changes to take effect. See: 1
hosting_get_client client/hosting_client.module Get a client by name or nid. 11
hosting_get_client_by_uname client/hosting_client.module Get a client by internal name. 1
hosting_get_client_from_user client/ Get relationships a user has with different clients. 5
hosting_get_db_server db_server/hosting_db_server.module Find the database server.
hosting_get_default_profile package/hosting_package.module 2
hosting_get_features ./ Get a listing of all known Hosting features. 6
hosting_get_hostmaster_nid ./ Helper function to get the node ID of the Aegir front-end site. 3
hosting_get_most_recent_task task/hosting_task.module Retrieve the latest task related to the specified platform, of a specific type 2
hosting_get_package package/hosting_package.module 2
hosting_get_packages_by_type package/hosting_package.module
hosting_get_profiles package/hosting_package.module 4
hosting_get_profile_languages package/hosting_package.module 2
hosting_get_profile_platforms package/hosting_package.module 1
hosting_get_queues ./ Retrieve a list of queues that need to be dispatched 10 1
hosting_get_servers server/hosting_server.module Get servers providing a service. 13
hosting_get_sites_by_status site/hosting_site.module Retrieve sites on a specific platform, with a specific status
hosting_get_site_by_url site/hosting_site.module Retrieve a node based on the url
hosting_get_tasks task/hosting_task.module Retrieve tasks with specified criterias 2
hosting_hosting_feature ./ Implementation of hook_hosting_feature().
hosting_hosting_platform_context_options platform/ Implementation of hook_hosting_TASK_OBJECT_context_options().
hosting_hosting_server_context_options server/ Pass options for the server verification to the backend.
hosting_hosting_site_context_options site/
hosting_import_client client/hosting_client.module Helper function to generate new client node during import. 2
hosting_import_site site/hosting_site.module Helper function to generate update a site node during import. 1
hosting_init ./hosting.module Implementation of hook_init().
hosting_install ./hosting.install Implements hook_install().
hosting_ip_allocate server/ Allocate an IP for a given site on a given server. 1
hosting_ip_delete server/ IP Utility function for hook_delete. 2
hosting_ip_delete_revision server/ IP Utility function for hook_delete_revision. 1


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