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Functions in Hosting 6.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
_hosting_language_name package/hosting_package.module 5 1
_hosting_language_names package/hosting_package.module Return names of the languages available
_hosting_migrate_get_target_profile_name migrate/ 2
_hosting_migrate_site_list_class migrate/ 1
_hosting_migrate_version_display migrate/hosting_migrate.module 1
_hosting_node_add ./hosting.module Replacement node/add page. 1
_hosting_node_link ./hosting.module 10 6
_hosting_package_instances_load package/ Internal function for hosting_package_instance(s)_load. 2
_hosting_package_instances_load_languages package/ Get the languages associated with an instance of a package. 2
_hosting_package_instance_languages package/ 2
_hosting_package_load package/hosting_package.module A generic method for finding whichever packages you are looking for.
_hosting_package_plural_map package/hosting_package.module 2
_hosting_package_temporary_table package/ 2
_hosting_package_types package/hosting_package.module 1 1
_hosting_parse_error_code task/hosting_task.module Turn bitmask integer error code into translatable label. 5
_hosting_platform_is_locked platform/hosting_platform.module Small helper function to check if a platform is locked. 1
_hosting_platform_list_class platform/hosting_platform.module Define the classes that correspond to the platform status. 2
_hosting_platform_status platform/hosting_platform.module 2
_hosting_platform_status_codes platform/hosting_platform.module 2
_hosting_queued_settings_form_delay_callback queued/ 1
_hosting_queues_clean_output ./
_hosting_queue_next_run ./ Calculate the time at which the task queue will run next. 2
_hosting_setup_cron ./hosting.module Set up the hosting-dispatch command in the aegir user's crontab. 1
_hosting_site_field site/ Helper function to generate form elements for the site form. 2
_hosting_site_form_check site/hosting_site.module 1
_hosting_site_form_pre_render site/ pre_render form callback 1
_hosting_site_goto_link site/hosting_site.module Generate a link allowing the user to log into their new site, or simply go to the site front page if the link has expired. 1
_hosting_site_list_class site/hosting_site.module Define the classes that correspond to the site status. 1
_hosting_site_status site/hosting_site.module Define the status types of a site 2
_hosting_site_url site/hosting_site.module Get site's URL. 2
_hosting_task_button task/hosting_task.module 2
_hosting_task_error_codes task/hosting_task.module Turn bitmask integer error code into associative array 2
_hosting_task_list task/hosting_task.module Theme a task list 1
_hosting_task_log ./ Log a message to the current task's node if possible, the screen otherwise. 1
_hosting_task_log_class task/hosting_task.module Map entry statuses to coincide with our CSS classes. 1
_hosting_task_log_table task/hosting_task.module Display table containing the logged information for this task 1
_hosting_valid_fqdn ./ Check if the FQDN provided is valid. 3
_hosting_valid_fqdn_subdir ./ Check if the FQDN provided is valid for subdir alias. 1
_hosting_valid_fqdn_wildcard ./ Check if the FQDN provided is valid. 2
_hosting_valid_ip ./ Check if a hostname provided is an ip address. 2


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