function hook_entity_postsave in Hook Post Action 8
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 7 hook_post_action.api.php \hook_entity_postsave()
Gets called after an entity has been inserted/updated/deleted to database.
\Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $entity: An entity object.
string $op: An string containing the operating that's taking place (insert/update/delete)
See also
1 invocation of hook_entity_postsave()
- _hook_post_action_post_save in ./
hook_post_action.module - Post save shutdown callback.
- ./
hook_post_action.api.php, line 24 - Documents API functions for hook_post_action module.
function hook_entity_postsave(EntityInterface $entity, $op) {
$id = $entity
$entity_type = $entity
->info('The @op entity @entity_type id is @id from @function.', [
'@op' => t($op . 'd'),
'@id' => $id,
'@function' => __FUNCTION__,
'@entity_type' => $entity_type,