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Deprecated in Hook Event Dispatcher 8

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Examples: "before Drupal 9", "in Drupal 8.4"
Namesort descending Location Type Deprecation Direct uses Namespaced uses Overrides Use statements
BaseBlockEvent::setBuild src/Event/Block/BaseBlockEvent.php function This is not needed, the form is passed by reference.
BaseEntityEvent::setEntity src/Event/Entity/BaseEntityEvent.php function This is not needed, objects are past by reference.
BaseFormEvent::setForm src/Event/Form/BaseFormEvent.php function This is not needed, the form is passed by reference.
EntityAccessEvent::setAccessResult src/Event/Entity/EntityAccessEvent.php function in favour of addAccessResult() which is more descriptive.
EntityAccessEventTest::testDeprecatedSetEntityMethod tests/src/Unit/Entity/EntityAccessEventTest.php function should be removed when setEntity() method is removed.
EntityAccessEventTest::testEntityAccessEventWithDeprecatedSetAccessResult tests/src/Unit/Entity/EntityAccessEventTest.php function should be removed when setAccessResult method is removed.
EntityViewEvent::setBuild src/Event/Entity/EntityViewEvent.php function This is not needed, this array is passed by reference.
HookEventDispatcherEvents src/HookEventDispatcherEvents.php class in favour of the HookEventDispatcherInterface.
WidgetFormAlterEvent::setElement src/Event/Form/WidgetFormAlterEvent.php function This is not needed anymore, use the element by reference.

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