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function hook_homebox_block_keys in Homebox 6.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.3 homebox.api.php \hook_homebox_block_keys()

List form values to be stored.

Used to make sure configuarble blocks only save what is necessary.


$block: A block oject with at least module and delta properties. module will always match your module name. Use delta if you have different types of configurable blocks.

Return value

An array of strings matching the hook_homebox_block_edit_form() elements that should be saved.

1 function implements hook_homebox_block_keys()

Note: this list is generated by pattern matching, so it may include some functions that are not actually implementations of this hook.

homebox_homebox_block_keys in ./homebox.module
3 invocations of hook_homebox_block_keys()
homebox_add_block in ./homebox.module
Add a custom block to a user's page.
homebox_block_edit_form_builder_submit in ./homebox.module
Save settings for the block and render a replacement with the updated settings.
homebox_prepare_block in ./homebox.module
Prepare a block for rendering with theme('homebox_block').


./homebox.api.php, line 26
Homebox API


function hook_homebox_block_keys($block) {
  return array(