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homebox-admin-display-form.tpl.php in Homebox 7.2

homebox-admin-display-form.tpl.php Default theme implementation to configure homebox blocks.


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 * @file
 * homebox-admin-display-form.tpl.php
 * Default theme implementation to configure homebox blocks.

// Add table javascript.
drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'block') . '/block.js');
foreach ($block_regions as $region => $title) {
  drupal_add_tabledrag('blocks', 'match', 'sibling', 'block-region-select', 'block-region-' . $region, NULL, FALSE);
  drupal_add_tabledrag('blocks', 'order', 'sibling', 'block-weight', 'block-weight-' . $region);
<table id="blocks" class="sticky-enabled">

print t('Block');

print t('Region');

print t('Custom title');

print t('Weight');

print t('Visible');

print t('Open');

print t('Movable');

print t('Closable');

$row = 0;

foreach ($block_regions as $region => $title) {
      <tr class="region region-<?php

  print $region;
        <td colspan="7" class="region"><?php

  print $title;
      <tr class="region-message region-<?php

  print $region;
  ?>-message <?php

  print empty($block_listing[$region]) ? 'region-empty' : 'region-populated';
        <td colspan="7"><em><?php

  print t('No blocks in this column');

  foreach ($block_listing[$region] as $delta => $data) {
      <tr class="draggable <?php

    print $row % 2 == 0 ? 'odd' : 'even';
    print $data->row_class ? ' ' . $data->row_class : '';
        <td class="block">

    print $data->block_title;

    print $data->region_select;

    print $data->title;

    print $data->weight_select;
    ?> <?php

    print $data->bid;

    print $data->status;

    print $data->open;

    print $data->movable;

    print $data->closable;





print $form_submit;
<!-- End Homebox admin form layout -->