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function theme_hms_natural_language in HMS Field 7

Theme hms_natural_language

TODO: Investigate running since options (see theme_hms) Would be cool if we can also make this format a 'Forrest Gump' format.


./hms_field.module, line 335
Provides an hms_field functionality.


function theme_hms_natural_language($variables) {
  $labels = _hms_factor_map(TRUE);

  // Assign keyed values array.
  $values = array_combine(explode(':', $variables['format']), explode(':', _hms_seconds_to_formatted($variables['value'], $variables['format'], TRUE)));

  // Spit out HTML per value (only when value > 0).
  $html = array();
  foreach ($values as $key => $val) {
    if ($val != 0) {
      $html[] = '<span class="' . drupal_clean_css_identifier($labels[$key]['label multiple']) . '">' . format_plural($val, '@count ' . $labels[$key]['label single'], '@count ' . $labels[$key]['label multiple']) . '</span>';

  // Serial commas - and
  $and = $comma = t($variables['separator']);
  if (isset($variables['last_separator']) && strlen($variables['last_separator'])) {
    $and = t($variables['last_separator']);
  switch (count($html)) {
    case 0:
    case 1:
      return reset($html);
      $last = array_pop($html);
      return implode($comma, $html) . $and . $last;