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hms_field.module in HMS Field 8

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 7 hms_field.module

Contains hms_field.module..


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 * @file
 * Contains hms_field.module..
use Drupal\Core\Routing\RouteMatchInterface;

 * Implements hook_help().
function hms_field_help($route_name, RouteMatchInterface $route_match) {
  switch ($route_name) {

    // Main module help for the hms_field module.
    case '':
      $output = '';
      $output .= '<h3>' . t('About') . '</h3>';
      $output .= '<p>' . t('Provides a field for Hours, Minutes and Seconds stored as seconds.') . '</p>';
      return $output;

 * Implements hook_theme().
function hms_field_theme() {
  $theme = array(
    'hms' => array(
      'variables' => array(
        'value' => 0,
        'format' => 'h:mm',
        'leading_zero' => TRUE,
        'running_since' => 0,
        'offset' => 0,
        'default_value' => 0,
    'hms_natural_language' => array(
      'variables' => array(
        'value' => 0,
        'format' => 'w:d:h:m:s',
        'separator' => ', ',
        'last_separator' => ' and ',
  return $theme;

 * Preprocess theme hms.
 * Attach JS when needed.
function template_preprocess_hms(&$variables) {
  $classes = array(
    str_replace(':', '-', 'hms-format-' . $variables['format']),
  $value = $variables['value'];
  $offset = $variables['offset'];
  $default_value = $variables['default_value'];
  if ($variables['running_since'] !== 0) {
    if (!$offset && !$default_value && $value) {

      // Backwards compatible.
      $offset = $value;
      $default_value = $value;
      $value = 0;
    $value = $default_value;

    // It is not possible to run longer then from 1970-01-01 00:00:01
    $classes[] = 'hms-running';

    // We also need to pass the running since value to JS.
    // When format h is presented, the underlaying value can be at 3599
    // The next second h needs to update.
    // Be sure to pass running_since as time() (== GMT time)
    if ($variables['running_since'] < 0) {
      $variables['running_since'] = REQUEST_TIME;
    $classes[] = 'hms-since-' . $variables['running_since'];
    $classes[] = 'hms-offset-' . $offset;
    $classes[] = 'hms-leading_zero-' . $variables['leading_zero'];
    if ($offset) {
      $value = REQUEST_TIME - $variables['running_since'] + $offset;
    $variables['#attached']['library'][] = 'hms_field/hms_field';
    $variables['#attached']['drupalSettings']['hms_field']['servertime'] = REQUEST_TIME;
    $variables['#attached']['drupalSettings']['hms_field']['factor_map'] = \Drupal::service('hms_field.hms')
  $variables['classes'] = implode(' ', $classes);
  $variables['hms_value_formatted'] = \Drupal::service('hms_field.hms')
    ->seconds_to_formatted($value, $variables['format'], $variables['leading_zero']);

 * Preprocess theme hms_natural_language.
 * TODO: Investigate running since options (see theme_hms)
 *   Would be cool if we can also make this format a 'Forrest Gump' format.
function template_preprocess_hms_natural_language(&$variables) {
  $hms_service = \Drupal::service('hms_field.hms');
  $labels = $hms_service

  // Assign keyed values array.
  $values = array_combine(explode(':', $variables['format']), explode(':', $hms_service
    ->seconds_to_formatted($variables['value'], $variables['format'], TRUE)));
  $variables['labels'] = $labels;
  $variables['formatted_values'] = array();

  // Build array for output in template.
  foreach ($values as $key => $value) {
    if ($value != 0) {
      $variables['formatted_values'][$key] = \Drupal::translation()
        ->formatPlural($value, '@count ' . $labels[$key]['label single'], '@count ' . $labels[$key]['label multiple']);


Namesort descending Description
hms_field_help Implements hook_help().
hms_field_theme Implements hook_theme().
template_preprocess_hms Preprocess theme hms.
template_preprocess_hms_natural_language Preprocess theme hms_natural_language.