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function _hs_taxonomy_views_config_path in Hierarchical Select 6.3

Generate the path at which the configuration form of the given filter is available.


$view: A view object.

$display_id: The ID of a display within the given view object.

$filter_id: The ID of a filter used within the given view object.

Return value

The Drupal path for the desired config form..

2 calls to _hs_taxonomy_views_config_path()
hs_taxonomy_views_handler_filter_term_node_tid::extra_options_form in modules/
hs_taxonomy_views_hierarchical_select_config_info in modules/hs_taxonomy_views.module
Implementation of hook_hierarchical_select_config_info().


modules/hs_taxonomy_views.module, line 668
Implementation of the Hierarchical Select API for the Taxonomy module's Views exposed filters.


function _hs_taxonomy_views_config_path($view_name, $display_id, $filter_id) {
  return "admin/build/views/hs_config/{$view_name}/{$display_id}/{$filter_id}";