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function hs_subscriptions_taxonomy_validate in Hierarchical Select 5.3

Validate callback; per-user taxonomy subscriptions form.


modules/hs_subscriptions_taxonomy.module, line 93
Makes the Taxonomy Subscriptions module use Hierarchical Select form items at user/<uid>/subscriptions/taxa.


function hs_subscriptions_taxonomy_validate($form_id, $form_values, $form) {
  if ($form_id == 'subscriptions_taxonomy_taxa_form') {
    foreach ($form_values as $vid => $element) {
      if (is_numeric($vid)) {

        // Collect the tids of the selected terms.
        $selected_tids = array();
        foreach ($form_values[$vid]['select'] as $tid) {
          $selected_tids[] = $tid;

        // Iterate over all checkboxes.
        // - When it's in the set of selected tids, then set it to 1.
        // - When it's *not* in the set of selected tids, and its current value
        //   is 1, then set it to 0.
        foreach ($form_values[$vid]['checkboxes'] as $tid => $array) {
          if (!in_array($tid, $selected_tids) && $form_values[$vid]['checkboxes'][$tid][-1] == 1) {
            form_set_value($form[$vid]['checkboxes'][$tid][-1], 0);
          else {
            if (in_array($tid, $selected_tids)) {
              form_set_value($form[$vid]['checkboxes'][$tid][-1], 1);