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function hs_content_taxonomy_hierarchical_select_valid_item in Hierarchical Select 6.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 5.3 modules/hs_content_taxonomy.module \hs_content_taxonomy_hierarchical_select_valid_item()

Implementation of hook_hierarchical_select_valid_item().


modules/hs_content_taxonomy.module, line 432
Implementation of the Hierarchical Select API for the Content Taxonomy module.


function hs_content_taxonomy_hierarchical_select_valid_item($item, $params) {
  if (!is_numeric($item) || $item < 1) {
    return FALSE;
  $term = taxonomy_get_term($item);

  // Bug: tid isn't set to zero for some reason when root term is not set, so we make workaround for this

  //$params['tid'] = $params['tid'] ? $params['tid']: 0;
  return $term->vid == $params['vid'] && _hs_content_taxonomy_term_within_allowed_depth($term->tid, $term->vid, $params['tid'], $params['depth']);