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function hs_content_taxonomy_form_alter in Hierarchical Select 5.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.3 modules/hs_content_taxonomy.module \hs_content_taxonomy_form_alter()

Implementation of hook_form_alter().


modules/hs_content_taxonomy.module, line 55
Implementation of the Hierarchical Select API for the Content Taxonomy module.


function hs_content_taxonomy_form_alter($form_id, &$form) {
  if ($form_id == '_content_admin_field') {
    if ($form['widget']['widget_type']['#default_value'] == 'content_taxonomy_hs') {

      // Hide the "multiple values" setting, so the user can't change it.
      $form['field']['multiple']['#type'] = 'hidden';

      // Add a fake checkbox form item to indicate the current state of this
      // setting. Because this checkbox is disabled, it won't be submitted,
      // and that's why we have to add a fake form item.
      $split = array_search('multiple', array_keys($form['field'])) + 1;
      $first_part = array_slice($form['field'], 0, $split);
      $second_part = array_slice($form['field'], $split);
      $form['field'] = $first_part;
      $form['field']['fake_multiple'] = $form['field']['multiple'];
      $form['field']['fake_multiple']['#type'] = 'checkbox';
      $form['field']['fake_multiple']['#attributes'] = array(
        'disabled' => 'disabled',
      $form['field']['fake_multiple']['#description'] = t('This setting is now managed by the Hierarchical Select widget
      $form['field'] += $second_part;