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function _hierarchical_select_render_selects in Hierarchical Select 5

Render the HTML (the selects) for the given hierarchy..


$hsid: The hierarchical select id.

$hierarchy: A hierarchy object.

Return value

The rendered HTML.

1 call to _hierarchical_select_render_selects()
_hierarchical_select_render in ./hierarchical_select.module
Render the hierarchical select.


./hierarchical_select.module, line 279
This module defines the "hierarchical_select" form element, which is a greatly enhanced way for letting the user select an option in a hierarchy. Out of the box, this module supports the taxonomy and content_taxonomy modules, but that…


function _hierarchical_select_render_selects($hsid, $hierarchy) {
  $output = '';
  for ($depth = 0; $depth < count($hierarchy->lineage); $depth++) {
    $output .= '<select id="hierarchical-select-' . $hsid . '-level-' . $depth . '" class="form-select hierarchical-select hierarchical-select-' . $hsid . '-hierarchical-select">';
    foreach ($hierarchy->levels[$depth] as $value => $label) {
      if ($value == $hierarchy->lineage[$depth]) {
        $output .= '<option selected="selected" value="' . $value . '">' . check_plain($label) . '</option>';
      else {
        $output .= '<option value="' . $value . '">' . check_plain($label) . '</option>';
    $output .= '</select>';
  return $output;