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function _hierarchical_select_process_render_hs_selects in Hierarchical Select 5.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.3 hierarchical_select.module \_hierarchical_select_process_render_hs_selects()

Render the selects in the hierarchical select.


$hsid: A hierarchical select id.

$hierarchy: A hierarchy object.

Return value

A structured array for use in the Forms API.

1 call to _hierarchical_select_process_render_hs_selects()
hierarchical_select_process in ./hierarchical_select.module
Hierarchical select form element type #process callback.


./hierarchical_select.module, line 990
This module defines the "hierarchical_select" form element, which is a greatly enhanced way for letting the user select items in a hierarchy.


function _hierarchical_select_process_render_hs_selects($hsid, $hierarchy) {
  $form['#tree'] = TRUE;
  $form['#prefix'] = '<div class="selects">';
  $form['#suffix'] = '</div>';
  foreach ($hierarchy->lineage as $depth => $selected_item) {
    $form[$depth] = array(
      '#type' => 'select',
      '#options' => $hierarchy->levels[$depth],
      '#default_value' => $selected_item,
      // We need to skip the check of valid options, because they may be
      // modified after each update.
      // Use a #theme callback to prevent the select from being wrapped in a
      // div. This simplifies the CSS and JS code. Also sets a special class
      // on the level label option, if any, to make level label styles
      // possible.
      '#theme' => 'hierarchical_select_select',
      // Add child information. When a child has no children, its
      // corresponding "option" element will be marked as such.
      '#childinfo' => $hierarchy->childinfo[$depth],
  return $form;