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function heartbeat_comments_update_410 in Heartbeat 6.4

Update to version 4.10.x

Return value

sql statements array


modules/heartbeat_comments/heartbeat_comments.install, line 76
Installation file for heartbeat comments by Stalski - Menhir -


function heartbeat_comments_update_410() {

  // Due to racing conditions it's possible the update hook in heartbeat.install
  // has not ran yet. Check for the 'uaid_comments' field and in case it doesn't
  // exists, run heartbeat_update_410 first.
  if (!db_column_exists('heartbeat_activity', 'uaid_comments')) {
    module_load_include('install', 'heartbeat');

  // Crazy, but hey, who cares :)
  $result = db_query("SELECT uaid FROM {heartbeat_activity}");
  while ($row = db_fetch_object($result)) {
    $count = db_result(db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {heartbeat_comments} WHERE uaid = %d ", $row->uaid));
    $update_q = "UPDATE {heartbeat_activity} set uaid_comments = %d WHERE uaid = %d";
    db_query($update_q, $count, $row->uaid);
  return array();