abstract class HeartbeatStream in Heartbeat 7
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 6.4 includes/heartbeatstream.inc \HeartbeatStream
Abstract class HeartbeatStream This base class has final template methods which are used by the derived concretes. The HeartbeatStream is a state object that is given to the HeartbeatStreamBuilder to set the access to the current request.
- class \HeartbeatStream
Expanded class hierarchy of HeartbeatStream
- includes/
heartbeatstream.inc, line 19 - HeartbeatStream object is the object that takes stream configuration to create a stream of activity objects. It is the controlling organ at the pre-query, query and post-query phases.
View source
abstract class HeartbeatStream {
// Query object for this stream.
protected $query = NULL;
// Configuration object for this stream.
public $config = NULL;
// Well-formed activity messages.
public $messages = array();
// String prefix on top of the stream.
public $prefix = '';
// String suffix under a stream.
public $suffix = '';
// Templates available to show.
public $templates = array();
// Contextual arguments.
public $contextual_arguments = array();
// Denied templates.
protected $templates_denied = array();
// Language at display time.
protected $language = LANGUAGE_NONE;
// exclude Og.
protected $exclude_og = FALSE;
// The stream owner or activity watcher.
protected $_uid = 0;
// Array of runtime notices, warnings and errors.
protected $_errors = array();
// Indicates if there are runtime errors.
protected $_has_errors = FALSE;
// Indicates whether the page has modal requirement.
protected $needsModal = TRUE;
// Time where activity starts.
protected $_offset_time = 0;
// Maximum time where activity must end.
protected $oldest_date = 604800;
// Maximum number of activity messages to show.
protected $messages_max = 0;
// Latest user activity id fetched.
protected $latest_activity_id = 0;
// Indicates if the stream is displayed on a page or not.
protected $_page = FALSE;
// Indicates if this is an ajax request.
protected $ajax = 0;
// Can page means if we can show more messages
protected $canPage = FALSE;
// User view type of the stream instance.
protected $_whoisuser_type = self::VIEWER;
// The user who is viewing the activity stream.
protected $viewer = null;
// The user who's activity stream is viewed.
protected $viewed = null;
// View mode to display message.
protected $view_mode = 'default';
protected $_whoisuser_types = array(
self::VIEWER => 'Viewing user',
self::VIEWED => 'Viewed user',
// User viewer types.
const VIEWER = 0;
const VIEWED = 1;
* Constructor
* @param $stram HeartbeatStreamConfig object with the neccesairy parameters
* @param $page Boolean to indicate if this is a page view
public final function __construct(HeartbeatStreamConfig $streamConfig, $page = FALSE, $account = NULL) {
$this->_page = $page;
if (empty($this->_offset_time)) {
* Fake constructor to hook this method instead of the constructor.
public function construct() {
* setContextualArguments().
protected function setContextualArguments() {
// Add a contextual argument if we are viewing a user.
if (!empty($_GET['contextualArguments']) && isset($_GET['contextualArguments']['uid_target'])) {
$this->contextual_arguments['uid_target'] = $_GET['contextualArguments']['uid_target'];
elseif ($this->viewed->uid != $this->viewer->uid) {
$this->contextual_arguments['uid_target'] = $this->viewed->uid;
'heartbeatContextArguments' => $this->contextual_arguments,
), "setting");
* setError
* Alias for addError.
* @param $text String of found error
* @return void
protected function setError($text) {
* addError
* @param $text String of found error
* @return void
public function addError($error) {
$this->_errors[] = $error;
$this->_has_errors = TRUE;
* @param $text
* @return unknown_type
public function getErrors() {
return $this->_errors;
* hasErrors
* @return boolean has errors
public function hasErrors() {
return variable_get('heartbeat_debug', 0) && $this->_has_errors;
* hasAccess
* @param $text
* @return boolean to indicate the access to the stream
public function hasAccess() {
return TRUE;
* canPostActivityStatuses().
* TODO Remove this here. The stream plugins should be stored
* in the stream object. This kind of access will become much
* easier to implement.
public function canPostActivityStatuses() {
return TRUE;
* getCurrentLanguages().
* Get the current global language.
public function getCurrentLanguages() {
global $language;
$this->language = $language->language;
$languages = array(
'und' => 'und',
// TODO check if we are going to use no languages at all at log time
$languages[str_replace('-', '_', $language->language)] = $language->language;
return $languages;
* skipActiveUser().
* Return whether you want to skip the active user (being
* the logged-in user and NOT the displayed user) from display.
* Typical private will not skip this one ofcourse where most
* other will skip active user since you don't want to watch
* your own activity.
public function skipActiveUser() {
return $this->config->skip_active_user;
* getViewer().
* Function to retrieve the viewer of the stream.
public function getViewer() {
return $this->viewer;
* setViewer().
public function setViewer($account) {
$this->viewer = $account;
* getViewed().
* Function to retrieve the user acting in the stream.
public function getViewed() {
return $this->viewed;
* setViewed().
public function setViewed($account) {
// If an account is given, then the stream is build for that user.
if (isset($account)) {
$this->_whoisuser_type = self::VIEWED;
$this->viewed = $account;
else {
// If the logged-in user is watching the stream on a profile page,
// the viewed user needs to be changed.
// This could be through ajax or normal.
$args = arg();
if (!empty($_GET['viewed_uid']) && is_numeric($_GET['viewed_uid']) && ($account = user_load($_GET['viewed_uid']))) {
$this->_whoisuser_type = self::VIEWED;
$this->viewed = $account;
elseif ($args[0] == 'user' && is_numeric($args[1])) {
// TODO Change this to access denied if not available.
if (!empty($args[2])) {
//if (!empty($args[2]) && $args[2] == $this->config->settings['stream_profile_path']) {
$this->_whoisuser_type = self::VIEWED;
$this->viewed = user_load($args[1]);
else {
$this->_whoisuser_type = self::VIEWER;
$this->viewed = $this->viewer;
else {
$this->_whoisuser_type = self::VIEWER;
$this->viewed = $this->viewer;
'viewed_uid' => $this->viewed->uid,
), "setting");
$this->_uid = $this->viewed->uid;
* getViewedId().
public function getViewedId() {
return $this->_uid;
* setViewMode().
public function setViewMode($view_mode) {
$this->view_mode = $view_mode;
* isPage().
* Getter function for heartbeat page/blocks.
public function isPage() {
return $this->_page;
* setIsPage().
* @param Boolean $isPage
public function setIsPage($isPage) {
$this->_page = $isPage;
* getLatestActivityId()
public function getLatestActivityId() {
return $this->latest_activity_id;
* setLatestActivityId().
public function setLatestActivityId($id) {
$this->latest_activity_id = $id;
* excludeOg().
public function excludeOg($status) {
$this->exclude_og = $status;
* getAjax().
public function getAjax() {
return $this->ajax;
* isAjax().
* Alias for getAjax.
public function isAjax() {
return $this->ajax;
* setAjax().
public function setAjax($ajax = NULL) {
if (isset($ajax)) {
$this->ajax = $ajax;
elseif ($this->_page) {
$this->ajax = $this->config->page_pager_ajax;
else {
$this->ajax = $this->config->block_show_pager == 2 || $this->config->block_show_pager == 3;
* needsModal().
* Returns a boolean to indicate whether modal window is needed on the page.
public function needsModal($needsModal = NULL) {
if (isset($needsModal)) {
$this->needsModal = $needsModal;
return $this->needsModal;
* Set the maximum number of items to fetch.
public function setItemsMax() {
$this->oldest_date = variable_get('heartbeat_activity_log_cron_delete', 2678400);
if ($this->_page) {
$this->messages_max = $this->config->page_items_max;
else {
$this->messages_max = $this->config->block_items_max;
* numberOfMessages().
public function numberOfMessages() {
return count($this->messages);
* getConfig().
* Get HeartbeatStreamConfig object with all configurations
* @return HeartbeatStreamConfig object
public function getConfig() {
return $this->config;
* setConfig().
* @param HeartbeatStreamConfig object
public function setConfig(HeartbeatStreamConfig $config) {
$this->config = $config;
* Get the messages.
public function getMessages() {
return $this->messages;
* setLanguage().
public function setLanguage($language) {
$this->language = $language;
* setOffsetTime
* @param $offset integer to set the offset time
* @return void
public final function setOffsetTime($offset = 0) {
if ($offset == 0) {
$offset = $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'];
$this->_offset_time = $offset;
* getOffsetTime
* @param $offset integer to set the offset time
* @return void
public final function getOffsetTime() {
return $this->_offset_time;
* getTemplate().
public final function getTemplate($template_id, $access = NULL) {
if (isset($access) && isset($this->templates[$access][$template_id])) {
return $this->templates[$access][$template_id];
else {
foreach ($this->templates as $perm => $templates) {
if (isset($templates[$template_id])) {
return $templates[$template_id];
return NULL;
* result
* Prepares a query, makes it available to alter it and finally executes it.
* @return Array of messages as a result of the query.
public function result() {
if ($this
->hasAccess()) {
$messages = $this
$allowed_tags = heartbeat_allowed_html_tags();
// Check on xss attack before other modules can change messages.
// Delegate the time.
foreach ($messages as $key => $message) {
$messages[$key]->message = filter_xss($messages[$key]->message, $allowed_tags);
$messages[$key]->message_concat = filter_xss($messages[$key]->message_concat, $allowed_tags);
$messages[$key]->show_message_times_grouped = $this->config->show_message_times_grouped;
return $messages;
else {
return NULL;
* setAvailableTemplates()
protected function setAvailableTemplates() {
// Load the available templates for this stream.
$templates = ctools_export_crud_load_all('heartbeat_messages');
// Deny messages that have been denied through stream configuration.
foreach ($this->config->messages_denied as $denied_message) {
if (!empty($denied_message)) {
$this->templates_denied[$denied_message] = $denied_message;
// Prepare the allowed templates for this stream.
foreach ($templates as $key => $template) {
// Restrict templates to roles.
if ($template
->hasRoleRestrictions()) {
foreach ($template->roles as $rid) {
if (!isset($this->viewer->roles[$rid])) {
$this->templates_denied[$key] = $key;
if (isset($this->templates_denied[$key])) {
$this->templates[$template->perms][$template->message_id] = $template;
//$this->templates[$template->message_id] = $template;
* createQuery().
* This query is the most important preparation to get the messages
* in a stream.
* Note that the access logged at the time of activity "ha.access" as
* well as the access at display time "hut.status". The perms property
* in the template is not used by design. This is something to discuss.
* @todo Discuss
* @param $text
* @return HeartbeatParser object
protected function createQuery() {
$this->query = db_select('heartbeat_activity', 'ha')
->fields('ha', array(
// $this->query->addField('ha', 'variables', 'variables');
// $this->query->addField('ha', 'access', 'access');
// Override the permission based on the user profile status.
->leftJoin('heartbeat_user_templates', 'hut', ' ha.uid = hut.uid AND ha.message_id = hut.message_id ');
->addField('hut', 'status', 'access_status');
// The user_access field holds the least access known. (NULL = HEARTBEAT_PUBLIC_TO_ALL).
$access_expression = "LEAST ( IFNULL ( ha.access, " . HEARTBEAT_PUBLIC_TO_ALL . "), IFNULL ( hut.status, " . HEARTBEAT_PUBLIC_TO_ALL . "))";
->addExpression($access_expression, 'user_access');
// Exclude unpublished comments.
if (module_exists('comment')) {
->leftJoin('comment', 'c', 'ha.cid = c.cid');
->where("c.status = 1 OR ha.cid = 0");
// Include only the required language(s).
$db_or = db_or();
foreach ($this
->getCurrentLanguages() as $lang_code) {
->condition('ha.language', $lang_code, "=");
if ($db_or
->count()) {
// Condition on time of creation.
if ($this->latest_activity_id > 0) {
// Calls with an offset uaid will fetch newer messages
else {
// Otherwise we'll set oldest and newest date.
->setOffsetTime($this->_offset_time, $this->oldest_date);
// Condition to exclude organic groups specific messages.
if ($this->exclude_og) {
->condition('ha.in_group', 1, '<>');
// Prepare "OR" clause for logical activity access conditions.
$or = db_or();
// Include messages where the actor addressed the viewer.
->where($access_expression . " = " . HEARTBEAT_PUBLIC_TO_ADDRESSEE)
->condition('ha.uid_target', $this->viewer->uid)
->condition('ha.uid_target', 0, '!='))
->condition('ha.uid', $this->viewer->uid)
->condition('ha.uid', 0, '!='))));
// Include messages where the actor is somehow connected to the viewer.
$this->viewer->relations = heartbeat_related_uids($this->viewer->uid);
->where($access_expression . " >= " . HEARTBEAT_PUBLIC_TO_CONNECTED)
->condition('ha.uid', $this->viewer->relations, 'IN')
->condition('ha.uid_target', $this->viewer->relations, 'IN')));
// Include messages that are public to everyone.
//$or->condition('ha.access', HEARTBEAT_PUBLIC_TO_ALL, '=');
->where($access_expression . " = " . HEARTBEAT_PUBLIC_TO_ALL);
// Include message where the viewer is the actor and sees all own activity.
if (!$this
->skipActiveUser()) {
// Include private messages.
->condition("ha.uid", $this->viewer->uid)
->condition("ha.access", HEARTBEAT_PRIVATE, '>='));
else {
->condition('ha.uid', $this->viewer->uid, '!=');
if (count($or
->conditions())) {
// Exclude denied message templates.
if (!empty($this->templates_denied)) {
->where("ha.message_id NOT IN (:messages)", array(
':messages' => array_unique($this->templates_denied),
// Order by.
->orderBy('ha.timestamp', 'DESC')
->orderBy('ha.uaid', 'DESC');
* executeQuery
* @return array results
protected function executeQuery() {
// dqm($this->query);
$result = $this->query
$messages = array();
$uaids = array();
foreach ($result as $key => $row) {
if ($template = $this
->getTemplate($row->message_id)) {
$uaids[$key] = $row->uaid;
$messages = heartbeat_activity_load_multiple($uaids);
return $messages;
* Alter the query object.
protected function queryAlter() {
* viewsQueryAlter
* @param $view Object View
* @return void
public function viewsQueryAlter(&$view) {
* Function to check access on messages
* This behaviour is set by a heartbeat message configuration
* to overrule the chosen display access type
protected function checkAccess(&$messages) {
// This hook is invoked BEFORE calculating the maximum
// number of messages to show,
// giving other modules the opportunity to remove messages
// based on their own parameters and custom reasons.
$hook = 'heartbeat_messages_alter';
foreach (module_implements($hook) as $module) {
$function = $module . '_' . $hook;
$result = $function($messages, $this);
foreach ($messages as $key => $message) {
// Check node access if information is available.
if (!empty($message->nid) && !empty($message->variables['node_type'])) {
$dummy_node = new stdClass();
$dummy_node->nid = $message->nid;
$dummy_node->uid = $message->variables['node_uid'];
$dummy_node->status = $message->variables['node_status'];
$dummy_node->type = $message->variables['node_type'];
if (!node_access('view', $dummy_node)) {
// Check node target access if information is available.
if (!empty($message->nid_target) && !empty($message->variables['node_target_type'])) {
$dummy_node = new stdClass();
$dummy_node->nid = $message->nid_target;
$dummy_node->uid = $message->variables['node_target_uid'];
$dummy_node->status = $message->variables['node_target_status'];
$dummy_node->type = $message->variables['node_target_type'];
if (!node_access('view', $dummy_node)) {
* Function to check if more/older messages can be loaded
* @return Boolean has more messages
public function hasMoreMessages() {
if ($this
->isPage()) {
$display_pager = $this->config->page_show_pager;
else {
$display_pager = $this->config->block_show_pager;
return $this->canPage && $display_pager;
* Create the well-formed activity messages from a result.
* HeartbeatParser will do most of the work here.
public function parseMessages($result) {
$heartbeatparser = new HeartbeatParser();
$messages = $heartbeatparser
// $messages = $heartbeatparser->remove_broken_messages();
$num_total_messages = count($messages);
// From here we know the number of messages actualy loaded (and allowed)
$messages = array_slice($messages, 0, $this->messages_max);
$i = 0;
foreach ($messages as $key => $message) {
$message->index = $i;
// Set the possibility of a pager appearence
if ($num_total_messages > $this->messages_max) {
$this->canPage = TRUE;
return $messages;
* Function that reorganizes a query result of messages
* into a stream of heartbeat activity objects.
* @return $messages
* array of messages
public function execute() {
// Fetch the messages from database for current Stream
$result = $this
if (!isset($result)) {
elseif (!empty($result)) {
// Filter messages by permission.
// Group the activity messages as configured
$messages = $this
// Give contributes modules the opportunity to load
// additions for the heartbeat activity message object.
$hook = 'heartbeat_load';
foreach (module_implements($hook) as $module) {
$function = $module . '_' . $hook;
// $messages should be implemented by reference!!!
$function($result, $this);
// Let other modules retheme or completely rebuild messages
$hook = 'heartbeat_theme_alter';
foreach (module_implements($hook) as $module) {
$function = $module . '_' . $hook;
$result = $function($messages, $this);
$this->messages = $messages;
return $this->messages;
* executeViews().
* Method to represent the messages if comes from views.
public function executeViews($values = NULL) {
$activities = heartbeat_activity_load_multiple($values);
if (empty($activities)) {
// Filter messages by permission, skipped for views for now.
// $this->checkAccess($activities);
// Give contributes modules the opportunity to load
// additions for the heartbeat activity message object
$hook = 'heartbeat_load';
foreach (module_implements($hook) as $module) {
$function = $module . '_' . $hook;
// $messages should be implemented by reference!!!
$function($activities, $this);
// Group the activity messages as configured
$messages = $this
// Let other modules retheme or completely rebuild messages
$hook = 'heartbeat_theme_alter';
foreach (module_implements($hook) as $module) {
$function = $module . '_' . $hook;
$function($messages, $this);
$this->messages = $messages;
$messages = array();
foreach ($this->messages as $message) {
$messages[$message->uaid] = $message;
return $messages;
* Render().
* Function to create a renderable build array.
public function render() {
$build = array();
if ($this
->hasAccess()) {
$path = drupal_get_path('module', 'heartbeat');
$build = array(
'#type' => 'markup',
'messages' => array(),
$weight = 0;
// Get the messages.
foreach (array_keys($this->messages) as $key) {
$build['messages'][$key] = heartbeat_activity_view($this->messages[$key], $this->view_mode);
$build['messages'][$key]['#weight'] = $weight;
$build['messages']['#sorted'] = TRUE;
$build['pager'] = array(
'#stream' => $this,
'#theme' => 'activity_pager',
'#weight' => 5,
if ($this
->needsModal()) {
// Add CTools modal requirements.
// Add the javascript and css files.
drupal_add_js($path . '/js/heartbeat.js');
if (variable_get('heartbeat_include_default_style', 1)) {
drupal_add_css($path . '/css/heartbeat.css');
// Dirty hack to fix polled streams when no js/css can be included on custom ajax command.
drupal_add_css($path . '/layouts/heartbeat_2col/heartbeat_2col.css');
return $build;
* modifyActivityMessage()
public function modifyActivityMessage(HeartbeatActivity $heartbeatActivity) {
if (!empty($this->contextual_arguments['uid_target'])) {
$heartbeatActivity->uid_target = $this->contextual_arguments['uid_target'];
Name![]() |
Modifiers | Type | Description | Overrides |
HeartbeatStream:: |
protected | property | ||
HeartbeatStream:: |
protected | property | ||
HeartbeatStream:: |
public | property | ||
HeartbeatStream:: |
public | property | ||
HeartbeatStream:: |
protected | property | ||
HeartbeatStream:: |
protected | property | ||
HeartbeatStream:: |
protected | property | ||
HeartbeatStream:: |
public | property | ||
HeartbeatStream:: |
protected | property | ||
HeartbeatStream:: |
protected | property | ||
HeartbeatStream:: |
protected | property | ||
HeartbeatStream:: |
public | property | ||
HeartbeatStream:: |
protected | property | ||
HeartbeatStream:: |
public | property | ||
HeartbeatStream:: |
public | property | ||
HeartbeatStream:: |
protected | property | ||
HeartbeatStream:: |
protected | property | ||
HeartbeatStream:: |
protected | property | ||
HeartbeatStream:: |
protected | property | ||
HeartbeatStream:: |
protected | property | ||
HeartbeatStream:: |
protected | property | ||
HeartbeatStream:: |
protected | property | ||
HeartbeatStream:: |
protected | property | ||
HeartbeatStream:: |
protected | property | ||
HeartbeatStream:: |
protected | property | ||
HeartbeatStream:: |
protected | property | ||
HeartbeatStream:: |
public | function | addError | |
HeartbeatStream:: |
public | function | canPostActivityStatuses(). TODO Remove this here. The stream plugins should be stored in the stream object. This kind of access will become much easier to implement. | |
HeartbeatStream:: |
protected | function | Function to check access on messages This behaviour is set by a heartbeat message configuration to overrule the chosen display access type | |
HeartbeatStream:: |
public | function | Fake constructor to hook this method instead of the constructor. | 5 |
HeartbeatStream:: |
protected | function | createQuery(). | 1 |
HeartbeatStream:: |
public | function | excludeOg(). | |
HeartbeatStream:: |
public | function | Function that reorganizes a query result of messages into a stream of heartbeat activity objects. | |
HeartbeatStream:: |
protected | function | executeQuery | |
HeartbeatStream:: |
public | function | executeViews(). | |
HeartbeatStream:: |
public | function | getAjax(). | |
HeartbeatStream:: |
public | function | getConfig(). | |
HeartbeatStream:: |
public | function | getCurrentLanguages(). | |
HeartbeatStream:: |
public | function | ||
HeartbeatStream:: |
public | function | getLatestActivityId() | |
HeartbeatStream:: |
public | function | Get the messages. | |
HeartbeatStream:: |
final public | function | getOffsetTime | |
HeartbeatStream:: |
final public | function | getTemplate(). | |
HeartbeatStream:: |
public | function | getViewed(). | |
HeartbeatStream:: |
public | function | getViewedId(). | |
HeartbeatStream:: |
public | function | getViewer(). | |
HeartbeatStream:: |
public | function | hasAccess | 4 |
HeartbeatStream:: |
public | function | hasErrors | |
HeartbeatStream:: |
public | function | Function to check if more/older messages can be loaded | |
HeartbeatStream:: |
public | function | isAjax(). | |
HeartbeatStream:: |
public | function | isPage(). | |
HeartbeatStream:: |
public | function | modifyActivityMessage() | 4 |
HeartbeatStream:: |
public | function | needsModal(). Returns a boolean to indicate whether modal window is needed on the page. | |
HeartbeatStream:: |
public | function | numberOfMessages(). | |
HeartbeatStream:: |
public | function | Create the well-formed activity messages from a result. HeartbeatParser will do most of the work here. | |
HeartbeatStream:: |
protected | function | Alter the query object. | 8 |
HeartbeatStream:: |
public | function | Render(). | |
HeartbeatStream:: |
public | function | result Prepares a query, makes it available to alter it and finally executes it. | |
HeartbeatStream:: |
public | function | setAjax(). | |
HeartbeatStream:: |
protected | function | setAvailableTemplates() | |
HeartbeatStream:: |
public | function | setConfig(). | |
HeartbeatStream:: |
protected | function | setContextualArguments(). | |
HeartbeatStream:: |
protected | function | setError Alias for addError. | |
HeartbeatStream:: |
public | function | setIsPage(). | |
HeartbeatStream:: |
public | function | Set the maximum number of items to fetch. | |
HeartbeatStream:: |
public | function | setLanguage(). | |
HeartbeatStream:: |
public | function | setLatestActivityId(). | |
HeartbeatStream:: |
final public | function | setOffsetTime | |
HeartbeatStream:: |
public | function | setViewed(). | |
HeartbeatStream:: |
public | function | setViewer(). | |
HeartbeatStream:: |
public | function | setViewMode(). | |
HeartbeatStream:: |
public | function | skipActiveUser(). | |
HeartbeatStream:: |
constant | |||
HeartbeatStream:: |
constant | |||
HeartbeatStream:: |
public | function | viewsQueryAlter | 5 |
HeartbeatStream:: |
final public | function | Constructor |