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class HeartbeatMessageBuilder in Heartbeat 6.4

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.3 includes/ \HeartbeatMessageBuilder

Class HeartbeatMessageBuilder Message builder that fetches and customizes users activity on the site. The builder takes a heartbeataccess object to handle the request to fetch the messages.


Expanded class hierarchy of HeartbeatMessageBuilder

1 string reference to 'HeartbeatMessageBuilder'
heartbeat_stream_view in ./heartbeat.module
Helper function to load a heartbeat stream / access type


includes/, line 26
Strategy with access behaviour

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class HeartbeatMessageBuilder {
  private $_heartbeatState = NULL;
  private $_hasErrors = FALSE;
  private $_errors = array();
  protected function __construct(HeartbeatAccess $heartbeatState) {
    if (!$heartbeatState
      ->hasErrors()) {
      $this->_heartbeatState = $heartbeatState;
    else {

   * Get an instance of the correct builder.
  public function get_instance(HeartbeatAccess $heartbeatState) {
    if (variable_get('heartbeat_debug', 0)) {
      require_once '';
      return new HeartbeatMessageBuilderDebug($heartbeatState);
    else {
      return new HeartbeatMessageBuilder($heartbeatState);
  public function hasErrors() {
    return $this->_hasErrors;
  protected function setError($errors) {
    $this->_errors = $errors;
    $this->_hasErrors = TRUE;
  protected function addError($error) {
    $this->_errors[] = $error;
    $this->_hasErrors = TRUE;
  public function getErrors() {
    return $this->_errors;
  public function getState() {
    return $this->_heartbeatState;
  public function updateState($heartbeatAccess) {
    $this->_heartbeatState = $heartbeatAccess;

   * Executes a query, putting the result into a wellformed
   *   stream of heartbeat activity objects
   * @return $messages
   *   array of messages
  public function execute() {

    // Fetch the messages from database for current State
    $heartbeat = $this->_heartbeatState
    if (!empty($heartbeat->raw_messages)) {

      // Filter messages by permission

      // Group the activity messages as configured
      $messages = $this
    if (!empty($messages)) {

      // Give contributes modules the opportunity to load
      // additions for the heartbeat activity message object
      $hook = 'heartbeat_load';
      foreach (module_implements($hook) as $module) {
        $function = $module . '_' . $hook;

        // $messages should be implemented by reference!!!
        $function($messages, $this->_heartbeatState);

      // Let other modules retheme or completely rebuild messages
      $hook = 'heartbeat_theme_alter';
      foreach (module_implements($hook) as $module) {
        $function = $module . '_' . $hook;
        $result = $function($messages, $this->_heartbeatState);

      // Give contributes modules the last chance to hook into the messages
      $hook = 'heartbeat_view';
      foreach (module_implements($hook) as $module) {
        $function = $module . '_' . $hook;

        // $messages should be implemented by reference!!!
        $function($messages, $this->_heartbeatState);
      return $messages;
    return array();

   * Function to check access on messages
   * This behaviour is set by a heartbeat message configuration
   * to overrule the chosen display access type
  private function checkAccess(HeartbeatParser $heartbeat) {
    global $user;
    $stream = $this->_heartbeatState
    $tags = $heartbeat

    // First check access on message perms, roles and node access.
    foreach ($heartbeat->raw_messages as $key => $message) {

      // Check on xss attack before other modules can change messages.
      $heartbeat->raw_messages[$key]->message = filter_xss($heartbeat->raw_messages[$key]->message, $tags);
      $heartbeat->raw_messages[$key]->message_concat = filter_xss($heartbeat->raw_messages[$key]->message_concat, $tags);

      // Rewrite message access if the access was not changed at log-time
      // and if the user has configured the access state of this message type.
      $message->access = $message->template->perms;
      if (isset($message->actor->heartbeat_activity_settings[$message->message_id]['access'])) {
        $message->access = $message->actor->heartbeat_activity_settings[$message->message_id]['access'];

      // Remove messages that are excluded for everyone
      if ($message->access == HEARTBEAT_NONE) {
          ->addError('Activity message #' . $message->uaid . ' is filtered from display, because it was excluded for everyone.');

      // Remove messages set private by site administrator
      // and remove messages set private by user profile setting.
      $private = $message->template->perms === HEARTBEAT_PRIVATE || (int) $message->access === HEARTBEAT_PRIVATE;
      if ($private && $user->uid != $message->actor->uid) {
          ->addError('Activity message #' . $message->uaid . ' is filtered from display, because it was blocked by administrator or the owner of the message.');

      // Check the possibility for the active user to be skipped out.
      if ($message->actor->uid == $this->_heartbeatState
        ->getActiveUser()) {
        if ($this->_heartbeatState
          ->skipActiveUser()) {
            ->addError('Activity message #' . $message->uaid . '(' . $message->message_id . ') is filtered from display, because the activity owner [' . $message->actor->name . '] is the displayed user [' . $this->_heartbeatState
            ->getActiveUser() . '] which is skipped in this context.');

      // Remove messages that non-related users don't have access for.
      // Some different handling is needed for the displayed user watching his own.
      if ($message->uid && $user->uid != $message->actor->uid && ($message->access == HEARTBEAT_PUBLIC_TO_CONNECTED || $message->template->perms == HEARTBEAT_PUBLIC_TO_CONNECTED)) {

        // Only check the relations for the users if it's needed.
        $heartbeat_relations = heartbeat_get_related_uids($user->uid);

        // Check if the logged-in user is connected to the actor of the activity.
        if (!isset($heartbeat_relations[$message->actor->uid])) {
            ->addError('Activity message #' . $message->uaid . '(' . $message->message_id . ') is filtered from display, because the activity owner [' . $message->actor->name . '] is not connected to displayed user ' . $user->name . '[' . $user->uid . '].');
        $heartbeat->raw_messages[$key]->actor->heartbeat_relations = $heartbeat_relations;

      // Remove messages that are restricted to roles.
      if (isset($message->template->roles) && !isset($message->template->roles[DRUPAL_ANONYMOUS_RID])) {
        $access = FALSE;
        foreach ($message->template->roles as $rid) {
          if (isset($user->roles[$rid])) {
            $access = TRUE;
        if (!$access) {
            ->addError('Activity message #' . $message->uaid . ' is filtered from display, because this message is blocked by role.');

      // Check if the current user has access to nodes and user profiles,
      // but only if the administrator did not overrule this setting
      if (variable_get('heartbeat_context_perm', 0) == 0) {
        if (!user_access('access user activity')) {
          $heartbeat->raw_messages[$key]->uid_access = FALSE;
            ->addError('Activity message #' . $message->uaid . ' is filtered from display, because this message is blocked by profile access.');

        // if user can't access profiles, change the link for the user name only.
        if (!user_access('access user profiles')) {
          $heartbeat->raw_messages[$key]->message = str_replace($heartbeat->raw_messages[$key]->variables['@username'], $heartbeat->raw_messages[$key]->actor->name, $heartbeat->raw_messages[$key]->message);
          ->checkNodeAccess($heartbeat->raw_messages[$key], $user);

    // Check if any filters are active giving other modules the chance
    // to list the messages that are evaluated by this filter
    if (isset($_GET['filters'])) {
      $active_filters = drupal_map_assoc(explode(',', $_GET['filters']));
      $filtered_messages = array();
      foreach ($active_filters as $filter) {
        $function = 'heartbeat_filter_' . str_replace('-', '_', $filter);
        if (function_exists($function)) {
          $filtered_messages += $function($heartbeat->raw_messages, $this->_heartbeatState);
      $heartbeat->raw_messages = $filtered_messages;

    // This hook is invoked BEFORE calculating the maximum
    // number of messages to show,
    // giving other modules the opportunity to remove messages
    // based on their own parameters and custom reasons.
    $hook = 'heartbeat_messages_alter';
    foreach (module_implements($hook) as $module) {
      $function = $module . '_' . $hook;
      $result = $function($heartbeat->raw_messages, $this->_heartbeatState);

    // The difficulty remains in having the possibility to leave the
    // user with no site activity at display. Any propositions?
    // In short: problem when querying to few messages, having lots
    // of them denied and leaving the user with no messages left.

   * Check the node access.
  public function checkNodeAccess(&$message, $user) {
    if ($message->nid > 0) {

      // node_access only needs, nid, uid, type & format.
      $message_node = new stdClass();
      $message_node->nid = $message->nid;
      $message_node->uid = $message->nid_info['uid'];
      $message_node->type = $message->nid_info['type'];
      $message_node->format = $message->nid_info['format'];
      $message_node->status = 1;

      // unpublished nodes ignore access control

      //if (!node_access('view', node_load($message->nid), $user)) {
      if (!node_access('view', $message_node, $user)) {
        $message->nid_access = FALSE;
          ->addError('Activity message #' . $message->uaid . ' is filtered from display, because this message is blocked by node access.');
      if ($message->nid_target > 0) {
        $message_node_target = new stdClass();
        $message_node_target->nid = $message->nid_target;
        $message_node_target->uid = $message->nid_target_info['uid'];
        $message_node_target->type = $message->nid_target_info['type'];
        $message_node_target->format = $message->nid_target_info['format'];
        $message_node_target->status = 1;

        // unpublished nodes ignore access control

        //if (!node_access('view', node_load($message->nid_target), $user)) {
        if (!node_access('view', $message_node_target, $user)) {
          $message->nid_target_access = FALSE;
            ->addError('Activity message #' . $message->uaid . ' is filtered from display, because this message is blocked by node target access.');

   * Function to check if more/older messages can be loaded
   * @return Boolean has more messages
  public function hasMoreMessages($page = TRUE) {
    $stream = $this->_heartbeatState
    if ($page) {
      $display_pager = $stream->page_show_pager;
    else {
      $display_pager = $stream->block_show_pager;
    return $stream->pager && $display_pager;

   * @see
  public function group(HeartbeatParser $heartbeat) {
    $messages = $heartbeat

    // $messages = $heartbeat->remove_broken_messages();
    $num_total_messages = count($messages);
    $start = 0;
    $end = $this->_heartbeatState->stream->limit_sql;

    //    if ($this->_heartbeatState->getOffsetSql() < $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']) {
    //      $start = $this->_heartbeatState->stream->limit_sql;
    //      $end = $this->_heartbeatState->stream->limit_sql + $start;
    //    }
    // From here we know the number of messages actualy loaded (and allowed)
    $messages = array_slice($messages, $start, $end);

    // Set the possibility of a pager appearence
    if ($num_total_messages > $this->_heartbeatState->stream->limit_sql) {
      $this->_heartbeatState->stream->pager = TRUE;
    return $messages;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
HeartbeatMessageBuilder::$_errors private property
HeartbeatMessageBuilder::$_hasErrors private property
HeartbeatMessageBuilder::$_heartbeatState private property
HeartbeatMessageBuilder::addError protected function
HeartbeatMessageBuilder::checkAccess private function Function to check access on messages This behaviour is set by a heartbeat message configuration to overrule the chosen display access type
HeartbeatMessageBuilder::checkNodeAccess public function Check the node access.
HeartbeatMessageBuilder::execute public function Executes a query, putting the result into a wellformed stream of heartbeat activity objects
HeartbeatMessageBuilder::getErrors public function
HeartbeatMessageBuilder::getState public function
HeartbeatMessageBuilder::get_instance public function Get an instance of the correct builder.
HeartbeatMessageBuilder::group public function
HeartbeatMessageBuilder::hasErrors public function
HeartbeatMessageBuilder::hasMoreMessages public function Function to check if more/older messages can be loaded
HeartbeatMessageBuilder::setError protected function
HeartbeatMessageBuilder::updateState public function
HeartbeatMessageBuilder::__construct protected function