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abstract class HeartbeatAccess in Heartbeat 6.4

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.3 includes/ \HeartbeatAccess

Abstract class heartbeataccess This base class has final template methods which are used by the derived concretes. The HeartbeatAccess is a state object that is given to the HeartbeatMessageBuilder to set the access to the current request.


Expanded class hierarchy of HeartbeatAccess

8 string references to 'HeartbeatAccess' in modules/friendlist_activity/ in modules/og_activity/ in modules/og_activity/ in modules/og_activity/ in includes/

... See full list


includes/, line 18
HeartbeatAccess object is the object that takes stream configuration to create a stream of activity objects. It is the controlling organ at the pre-query, query and post-query phases.

View source
abstract class HeartbeatAccess {
  protected $_whoisuser_types = array(
    self::TYPE_ACTOR => 'Acting user',
    self::TYPE_USER_PROFILE => 'Requested user (from url)',
  protected $_whoisuser_type = self::TYPE_ACTOR;
  protected $_uid = 0;
  protected $_actor = NULL;
  protected $_errors = array();
  protected $_has_errors = FALSE;
  protected $_offset_sql = 0;
  protected $_page = FALSE;
  public $stream = NULL;
  const TYPE_ACTOR = 0;
  const TYPE_USER_PROFILE = 1;

   * Constructor
   * @param $stream HeartbeatStream object with the neccesairy parameters
   * @param $page Boolean to indicate if this is a page view
  public function __construct(HeartbeatStream $stream, $page = FALSE, $account = NULL) {
    $this->_page = $page;
    $this->stream = $stream;

   * Fake constructor to hook this method instead of the constructor.
  public function construct() {

   * Function to retrieve the active user.
  public function getActiveUser() {
    return $this->_uid;

   * Skip active user.
   * Return whether you want to skip the active user (being
   * the logged-in user and NOT the displayed user) from display.
   * Typical private will not skip this one ofcourse where most
   * other will skip active user since you don't want to watch
   * your own activity.
  public function skipActiveUser() {
    $skip = $this->_whoisuser_type == self::TYPE_USER_PROFILE ? FALSE : (empty($this->stream->skip_active_user) ? FALSE : $this->stream->skip_active_user);
    return $skip;

   * proctected fuinction whoIsActor
   *   Calculate the user of whom we want to see activity for.
   *   Set the actor of the stream.
  protected function whoIsActor($account = NULL) {

    // Use the account if available.
    if (isset($account)) {
      $this->_whoisuser_type = self::TYPE_USER_PROFILE;
      $this->_actor = $account;
      $this->stream->uid = $this->_uid = $account->uid;
    else {
      global $user;
      $this->_whoisuser_type = self::TYPE_ACTOR;
      $this->_actor = $user;
      $this->stream->uid = $this->_uid = $user->uid;

   * setError
   * @param $text String of found error
   * @return void
  protected function setError($text) {
    $this->_errors[] = $text;
    $this->_has_errors = TRUE;

   * hasAccess
   * @param $text
   * @return boolean to indicate the access to the stream
  protected function hasAccess() {
    return TRUE;

   * hasErrors
   * @return boolean has errors
  public function hasErrors() {
    return $this->_has_errors;

   * @param $text
   * @return unknown_type
  public function getErrors() {
    return $this->_errors;

   * Getter function for heartbeat page/blocks
  public function isPage() {
    return $this->_page;

   * Get HeartbeatStream object with all configurations
   * @return HeartbeatStream object
  public function getStream() {
    return $this->stream;

   * @param $text
   * @return Array of messages
  public function fetchMessages() {
    if ($this
      ->hasAccess()) {
      $heartbeat = $this

      // Call to a hook method to adapt sql and thus result
      $heartbeat = $this
      return $this
    return array();

   * resultSql
   * @param $sql String query to extend the current query
   * @param $values Array of values to substitute in the query extension
   * @return array results
  protected function resultSql($sql = '', $values = array()) {
    $args = array();

    //$args[] = $this->stream->sql_start . $sql . $this->stream->sql_end;
    $args[] = $this->stream->language;
    if ($this->stream->latest_uaid > 0) {
      $args[] = $this->stream->latest_uaid;
    else {

      // Limit the query for messages older than offset_sql
      $args[] = $this->stream->offset_sql;

      // Limit the query for messages newer than oldest_date,
      // add param delete too old messages if set
      if ($this->stream->oldest_date) {

        //$args[] = $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] - $this->stream->oldest_date;

    // Put the arguments defined in subclasses into query
    $args = array_merge($args, $values);

    //$args[] = 0;

    //$args[] = $this->stream->num_load_max;

    // The cron and maximum number limits results to a minimum

    //$result = call_user_func_array('db_query_range', $args);
    $result = db_query_range($this->stream->sql_start . $sql . $this->stream->sql_end, $args, 0, $this->stream->num_load_max);
    $results = array();
    while ($row = db_fetch_object($result)) {
      $template = new HeartbeatMessageTemplate($row->hid, $row->message_id, $row->message_orig, $row->message_concat_orig, $row->concat_args);
      $template->perms = $row->perms;
      $template->custom = $row->custom;
      $template->description = $row->description;
        ->set_roles(isset($template->concat_args['roles']) ? $template->concat_args['roles'] : array());
      $heartbeatactivity = new HeartbeatActivity($row, $template);
      $results[$row->uaid] = $heartbeatactivity;
    $stream = heartbeat_stream_load($this
    $this->stream->display_filters = !empty($stream['display_' . ($this->_page ? '' : 'block_') . 'filters']);
    if ($this->stream->display_filters) {
      $this->stream->filters = $stream['filters'];
    return $results;

   * prepareStream
   * @param $text
   * @return HeartbeatParser object
  protected function prepareStream() {
    global $user, $language;
    $this->stream->offset_sql = $this->_offset_sql;

    // Prevent already assigned language to be overriden
    if (empty($this->stream->language)) {
      $this->stream->language = $language->language;

    // Sql parts
    // If users are involved (uid or uid_target) in heartbeat_activity
    // check if they are not blocked (status = 1).
    $this->stream->sql_start = "SELECT\n      hm.hid AS 'hid', hm.message AS 'message_orig',\n      hm.message_concat AS 'message_concat_orig',\n      hm.attachments AS 'attachments', hm.concat_args,\n      hm.custom AS 'custom', hm.description as 'description',\n      hm.perms, hm.variables AS 'variables_orig',\n      ua.*, ua_users.*,\n      ua.access AS 'access',\n      1 AS 'count'\n    FROM {heartbeat_activity} ua\n    LEFT JOIN {heartbeat_messages} hm ON ua.message_id = hm.message_id\n    LEFT JOIN {users} ua_users ON ua.uid = ua_users.uid\n    LEFT JOIN {users} ua_target_users ON ua.uid_target = ua_target_users.uid\n    WHERE\n      ua.language = '%s'\n      AND (ua_users.uid = 0 OR ua_users.status = 1)\n      AND (ua_target_users.uid = 0 OR ua_target_users.status = 1)\n    ";

    // Skip the first user if configured that way.
    if (variable_get('heartbeat_skip_admin', 0) == 1) {
      $this->stream->sql_start .= "AND ua.uid != 1 ";

    // Calls with an offset uaid will fetch newer messages
    if ($this->stream->latest_uaid > 0) {
      $this->stream->sql_start .= "AND (ua.uaid > %d ) ";
    else {
      $this->stream->sql_start .= "AND (ua.timestamp < %d ";

      // Add sql to delete too old messages if set
      if ($this->stream->oldest_date) {

        //$this->stream->sql_start .= "AND ua.timestamp > %d ";
      $this->stream->sql_start .= ")";
    $this->stream->sql_end = " ORDER BY ua.timestamp DESC, ua.uaid DESC";
    $heartbeat = $this
    return $heartbeat;

   * createHeartbeatParser
   * @return HeartbeatParser object
  protected function createHeartbeatParser() {
    $heartbeat = HeartbeatParser::instantiate($this
    return $heartbeat;

   * setOffsetSql
   * @param $offset integer to set the offset time
   * @return void
  public final function setOffsetSql($offset = 0) {
    if ($offset == 0) {
      $offset = $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'];
    $this->_offset_sql = $offset;

   * getOffsetSql
  public final function getOffsetSql() {
    return $this->_offset_sql;

   * @param $text
   * @return HeartbeatParser object
  protected function dressUpMessages(HeartbeatParser $heartbeat) {
    $heartbeat->raw_messages = $this
    return $heartbeat;

   * finishMessages
   * @param HeartbeatParser $heartbeat Parser object
   * @return HeartbeatParser object
  protected function finishMessages(HeartbeatParser $heartbeat) {
    return $heartbeat;

   * Check denied messages
  protected function checkDeniedMessages() {

    // Messages that have been denied through stream configuration
    // or overriden by user profile can be taken out in the query.
    // Note that for private and connected restrictions, it can only
    // be done later after the query.
    $denied_messages = array();
    if (!empty($this->stream->messages_denied)) {
      $denied_messages += array_keys($this->stream->messages_denied);
    $denied_messages = array_unique($denied_messages);
    if (!empty($denied_messages)) {
      $this->stream->sql_start .= " AND ua.message_id NOT IN ('" . implode("','", $denied_messages) . "') ";

   * addViewQuery
   * @param $view Object View
   * @return void
  public function addViewQuery(&$view) {

    // Nothing for base class

   * getAccess
   * @return string Stream
  public final function getAccess() {
    return drupal_strtolower($this->stream->realname);

   * ConfigurationForm
   * Basic configuration form for streams.
  public function configurationForm(&$form, &$form_state) {

    // Add extra form properties.
    // A couple of examples to manipulate the form.

    //$form['settings']['my_stream_setting'] = array('#type' => 'checkbox', '#default_value' => 0, '#title' => t(''));

    //$form['poll_settings']['#access'] = FALSE;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
HeartbeatAccess::$stream public property
HeartbeatAccess::$_actor protected property
HeartbeatAccess::$_errors protected property
HeartbeatAccess::$_has_errors protected property
HeartbeatAccess::$_offset_sql protected property
HeartbeatAccess::$_page protected property
HeartbeatAccess::$_uid protected property
HeartbeatAccess::$_whoisuser_type protected property
HeartbeatAccess::$_whoisuser_types protected property
HeartbeatAccess::addViewQuery public function addViewQuery 7
HeartbeatAccess::checkDeniedMessages protected function Check denied messages
HeartbeatAccess::configurationForm public function ConfigurationForm Basic configuration form for streams.
HeartbeatAccess::construct public function Fake constructor to hook this method instead of the constructor. 2
HeartbeatAccess::createHeartbeatParser protected function createHeartbeatParser
HeartbeatAccess::dressUpMessages protected function 7
HeartbeatAccess::fetchMessages public function
HeartbeatAccess::finishMessages protected function finishMessages
HeartbeatAccess::getAccess final public function getAccess
HeartbeatAccess::getActiveUser public function Function to retrieve the active user.
HeartbeatAccess::getErrors public function
HeartbeatAccess::getOffsetSql final public function getOffsetSql
HeartbeatAccess::getStream public function Get HeartbeatStream object with all configurations
HeartbeatAccess::hasAccess protected function hasAccess 4
HeartbeatAccess::hasErrors public function hasErrors
HeartbeatAccess::isPage public function Getter function for heartbeat page/blocks
HeartbeatAccess::prepareStream protected function prepareStream 2
HeartbeatAccess::resultSql protected function resultSql 1
HeartbeatAccess::setError protected function setError
HeartbeatAccess::setOffsetSql final public function setOffsetSql
HeartbeatAccess::skipActiveUser public function Skip active user. Return whether you want to skip the active user (being the logged-in user and NOT the displayed user) from display. Typical private will not skip this one ofcourse where most other will skip active user since you don't want to… 5
HeartbeatAccess::TYPE_ACTOR constant
HeartbeatAccess::TYPE_USER_PROFILE constant
HeartbeatAccess::whoIsActor protected function proctected fuinction whoIsActor Calculate the user of whom we want to see activity for. Set the actor of the stream. 1
HeartbeatAccess::__construct public function Constructor