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class user_activity in Heartbeat 6.2

Class to handle user activity data


Expanded class hierarchy of user_activity

5 string references to 'user_activity'
user_activity_disable in user_activity/user_activity.install
Implementation of hook_disable Uninstall basic variables
user_activity_heartbeat_message_info in user_activity/user_activity.module
Implementation of hook_heartbeat_message_info
user_activity_install in user_activity/user_activity.install
Implementation of hook_install().
user_activity_uninstall in user_activity/user_activity.install
Implementation of hook_uninstall().
user_activity_views_api in user_activity/user_activity.module
Implementation of hook_views_api()


./heartbeat.module, line 20
To fully understand this, you have to be familiar with the rules module. Lots of documentation can be found on for an introduction and tutorial, but is a lot of handy info for developers.

View source
class user_activity {

  // Private members are prefixed with m_
  private $m_uid = 0;
  private $m_uid_target = 0;
  private $m_nid_target = 0;
  private $m_hid = 0;
  private $m_karma_index = 0;
  private $m_description = '';
  private $m_message = '';
  private $m_message_concat = '';
  private $m_variables_array = array();
  private $m_variables_string = '';
  public $event = '';

   * constructor
  function __construct($data = null) {
    if (isset($data)) {

   * Set data into members
  public function set_data($data) {
    foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
      if (isset($this->{$key})) {
        $this->{$key} = $value;
      if (isset($this->{'m_' . $key})) {
        $this->{'m_' . $key} = $value;

    // Data variables are more complicated
    if (isset($data['variables'])) {
      $this->m_variables_string = $data['variables'];

    // if the data variables have not been included
    // as normal members, do so now to be available when asked for
    // @see __get
    if ($this->m_variables_array == array() && $this->m_variables_string != '') {

   * Method gets a user_activity variable
   * @desc The magic getter method fetches a variable
   *       in members. If not found there, it will always
   *       check the variables as well
  public function __get($variable) {

    // a private member is asked
    $var = null;
    if (isset($this->{'m_' . $variable})) {
      $var = $this->{'m_' . $variable};
    else {
      if (array_key_exists($variable, $this->m_variables_array)) {
        $var = $this->m_variables_array[$variable];
    return $var;

   * public function to set variables into readable array
  public function variables2array() {
    $this->m_variables_array = heartbeat_decode_message_variables($this->m_variables_string);
    return $this->m_variables_array;

   * Public function to save activity to database
   * @param array raw argument to enforce as is (pre-renderd)
  public function save($raw_args = array()) {
    if (module_exists('locale')) {
    else {

   * Save activity log with multilingual content
   * and multilingual parts to pre-translate
   * @param array $raw_args
  private function save_locale($raw_args = array()) {
    $args = $this
      ->rebuild_arguments($raw_args, true);
    $locale = $args['locale'];

    // Save activity by logging a row for each active language
    // Translations only when locale exists
    $languages = locale_language_list();
    foreach ($languages as $language => $human_language) {

      // preprocess multilingual message "parts"
      // for all flagged token replacements
      foreach ($this->m_variables_array as $key => $value) {
        if (isset($locale[$key])) {
          $amp_token = str_replace("#", "!", $key);
          $args[$amp_token] = t($locale[$key], array(), $language);
        ->log_message($args, $language);

   * Save activity log
   * @param array $raw_args
  private function _save($raw_args = array()) {

    // Rebuild arguments with tokens
    $args = $this

   * Logs a heartbeat message
   * @param string language optional
  private function log_message($args, $lang = '') {
    if ($lang == '') {
      global $language;
      $lang = $language->language;

    // Log relational message to user activity
    db_query("INSERT INTO user_activity SET uid=%d, uid_target=%d, nid_target=%d, hid=%d,  language='%s', \n    message='%s', timestamp=%d, event='%s', variables='%s'", $this->m_uid, $this->m_uid_target, $this->m_nid_target, $this->m_hid, $lang, t($this->m_message, $args, $lang), $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'], $this->event, $this->m_variables_string);

   * Rebuild the arguments for variables
   * to share within this object
   * @param array $raw_input of arguments
  private function rebuild_arguments($raw_input, $locale = false) {
    $args = array();
    if ($locale) {

      // Variables that need to be pre-translated go here
      $args['locale'] = array();

    // Rebuild arguments with language tokens
    foreach ($this->m_variables_array as $key => $value) {

      // Leave $key[0] == "!"  asis
      if ($key[0] != "@" && $key[0] != "#") {

        // bad argument
      $oldkey = $key;

      // Reset the key of the arguments to ! to parse the next
      // tokenization asis.
      if ($key[0] == "@") {
        $key[0] = "!";

      // # and @ token replacement prefixes are kept,
      // but set a flag for it in the raw_arguments
      if ($key[0] == "#") {
        dsm($key . ' ' . $value);

        // if it has to be translated ...
        if ($locale) {
          $args['locale'][$key] = $value;

        // Now reset the key
        $key[0] = "!";

      // if argument is prefilled, override
      if (isset($raw_args[$oldkey])) {
        $args[$key] = $raw_args[$oldkey];

      // Argument gets the value as in variables
      $args[$key] = $value;
    return $args;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
user_activity::$event public property
user_activity::$m_description private property
user_activity::$m_hid private property
user_activity::$m_karma_index private property
user_activity::$m_message private property
user_activity::$m_message_concat private property
user_activity::$m_nid_target private property
user_activity::$m_uid private property
user_activity::$m_uid_target private property
user_activity::$m_variables_array private property
user_activity::$m_variables_string private property
user_activity::log_message private function Logs a heartbeat message
user_activity::rebuild_arguments private function Rebuild the arguments for variables to share within this object
user_activity::save public function Public function to save activity to database
user_activity::save_locale private function Save activity log with multilingual content and multilingual parts to pre-translate
user_activity::set_data public function Set data into members
user_activity::variables2array public function public function to set variables into readable array
user_activity::_save private function Save activity log
user_activity::__construct function constructor
user_activity::__get public function Method gets a user_activity variable