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function heartbeat_messages_overview in Heartbeat 6.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.4 \heartbeat_messages_overview()
  2. 6.3 \heartbeat_messages_overview()

Overview list of heartbeat messages This page must be viewed to make the messages appear in the database after a module is installed as well as make them translatable

1 string reference to 'heartbeat_messages_overview'
heartbeat_menu in ./heartbeat.module
Implementation of hook_menu().


./, line 26


function heartbeat_messages_overview() {
  global $base_url;

  // Clear the rules cache to avoid problems
  $intro = '';

  // Invoke a hook function of contributed modules
  // so that their messages are known in the database
  $info = heartbeat_gather_messages();

  // Fetch the heartbeat_message objects
  $messages = heartbeat_messages('all', true, true);
  if (!empty($info)) {
    drupal_set_message(t('New messages were added to heartbeat.'));
  if (count($messages) <= 0) {
    return t('Sorry, no heartbeat messages yet');
  foreach ($messages as $message) {

    // Additional things to do if messages need to be translatable
    if (module_exists('locale')) {
      $languages = locale_language_list();

      // Pretend we are showing the strings to translate (display none)
      $message->description .= '<div style="display: none;">';
      foreach ($languages as $lang => $human_language) {
        $message->description .= $human_language . ': ' . t($message->message, array(), $lang) . '<br />';
        $message->description .= $human_language . ': ' . t($message->message_concat, array(), $lang) . '<br />';
      $message->description .= '</div>';

      // Show the admin user that there are things that need translation
      $report = array();
      foreach ($languages as $lang => $human_language) {
        if ($lang != 'en') {

          // Look into the messages
          if (t($message->message, array(), $lang) == t($message->message, array(), 'en')) {
            $label = t('translate message in @human_language', array(
              '@human_language' => strip_tags($human_language),
            $options = array(
              'query' => 'op=Search&string=' . str_replace(" ", "+", $message->message),
            $report[] = l($label, 'admin/build/translate/search', $options);

          // Look into the message_concat groupings
          if (t($message->message_concat, array(), $lang) == t($message->message_concat, array(), 'en')) {
            $label = t('translate grouping message in @human_language', array(
              '@human_language' => strip_tags($human_language),
            $options = array(
              'query' => 'op=Search&string=' . str_replace(" ", "+", $message->message_concat),
            $report[] = l($label, 'admin/build/translate/search', $options);

          // Look into the variables to detect message parts that need translation
          if (eregi("#", $message->variables_string)) {
            $report[] = '<small>' . t('In at least one of the messages a part must be translated separately') . '</small>';

      // Add a report of todo translations to the list
      if ($report != array()) {
        $message->description .= '<br />' . implode(', ', $report);
    $rows[] = array(
      l(t('edit'), $base_url . "/admin/settings/heartbeat/messages/" . $message->event),
  $headers = array(
    t('Karma index'),
  $intro .= '<h2>Modules that describe heartbeat messages.</h2>';
  $intro .= '<p>The messages that go with this event are passed to the t-function when parsed to view.';
  $intro .= '</p>';
  if (module_exists('locale')) {
    $intro .= '<p>';
    $intro .= 'This means that once they are viewed, they are available for you to translate.';
    $intro .= 'Altering these messages will clear the rules cache and the altered message ';
    $intro .= 'will need translation if you are dealing with a multilingual site. The links show only the untranslated messages.';
    $intro .= '</p>';
  return t($intro) . theme('table', $headers, $rows);