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function groupmedia_media_access in Group Media 8

Implements hook_media_access().

When trying to view, update or delete a media item it suffices to have the right to do so in only one group the media belongs to. If you wish to prevent any such action on your own terms, implement hook_media_access() in your module.


./groupmedia.module, line 24


function groupmedia_media_access(MediaInterface $media, $op, AccountInterface $account) {

  // We do not care about create access as we have our own wizard for that. Any
  // operation aside from 'view', 'update' and 'delete' is also unsupported.
  if (!in_array($op, [
  ])) {
    return AccessResult::neutral();

  // Some modules, including the code in \Drupal\media_entity\MediaForm::access() may
  // check for 'view', 'update' or 'delete' access on new nodes, even though
  // that makes little sense. We need to account for it to avoid crashes because
  // we would otherwise query the DB with a non-existent node ID.
  if ($media
    ->isNew()) {
    return AccessResult::neutral();
  $plugin_id = 'group_media:' . $media

  // Only act if there are group content types for this node type.
  $group_content_types = GroupContentType::loadByContentPluginId($plugin_id);
  if (empty($group_content_types)) {
    return AccessResult::neutral();

  // Load all the group content for this node.
  $group_contents = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
    'type' => array_keys($group_content_types),
    'entity_id' => $media

  // If the media does not belong to any group, we have nothing to say.
  if (empty($group_contents)) {
    return AccessResult::neutral();

  /** @var \Drupal\group\Entity\GroupInterface[] $groups */
  $groups = [];
  foreach ($group_contents as $group_content) {

    /** @var \Drupal\group\Entity\GroupContentInterface $group_content */
    $group = $group_content
      ->id()] = $group;

  // From this point on you need group to allow you to perform the requested
  // operation. If you are not granted access for a node belonging to a group,
  // you should be denied access instead.
  switch ($op) {
    case 'view':
      foreach ($groups as $group) {
        if ($media
          ->isPublished()) {
          if ($group
            ->hasPermission("view {$plugin_id} entity", $account)) {
            return AccessResult::allowed();
        elseif ($group
          ->hasPermission("view unpublished {$plugin_id} entity", $account)) {
          return AccessResult::allowed();
    case 'update':
    case 'delete':
      foreach ($groups as $group) {
        if ($group
          ->hasPermission("{$op} any {$plugin_id} entity", $account)) {
          return AccessResult::allowed();
        elseif ($account
          ->id() == $media
          ->getPublisherId() && $group
          ->hasPermission("{$op} own {$plugin_id} entity", $account)) {
          return AccessResult::allowed();
  return AccessResult::forbidden();