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interface GroupContentPermissionProviderInterface in Group 8

Provides a common interface for group content permission providers.


Expanded class hierarchy of GroupContentPermissionProviderInterface

All classes that implement GroupContentPermissionProviderInterface

1 file declares its use of GroupContentPermissionProviderInterface
GroupContentAccessControlHandlerTest.php in tests/src/Unit/GroupContentAccessControlHandlerTest.php


src/Plugin/GroupContentPermissionProviderInterface.php, line 8


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interface GroupContentPermissionProviderInterface {

   * Gets the name of the admin permission.
   * @return string|false
   *   The admin permission name or FALSE if none was set.
  public function getAdminPermission();

   * Gets the name of the view permission for the relation.
   * @param string $scope
   *   (optional) Whether the 'any' or 'own' permission name should be returned.
   *   Defaults to 'any'.
   * @return string|false
   *   The permission name or FALSE if it does not apply.
  public function getRelationViewPermission($scope = 'any');

   * Gets the name of the update permission for the relation.
   * @param string $scope
   *   (optional) Whether the 'any' or 'own' permission name should be returned.
   *   Defaults to 'any'.
   * @return string|false
   *   The permission name or FALSE if it does not apply.
  public function getRelationUpdatePermission($scope = 'any');

   * Gets the name of the delete permission for the relation.
   * @param string $scope
   *   (optional) Whether the 'any' or 'own' permission name should be returned.
   *   Defaults to 'any'.
   * @return string|false
   *   The permission name or FALSE if it does not apply.
  public function getRelationDeletePermission($scope = 'any');

   * Gets the name of the create permission for the relation.
   * @return string|false
   *   The permission name or FALSE if it does not apply.
  public function getRelationCreatePermission();

   * Gets the name of the view permission for the relation.
   * @param string $scope
   *   (optional) Whether the 'any' or 'own' permission name should be returned.
   *   Defaults to 'any'.
   * @return string|false
   *   The permission name or FALSE if it does not apply.
  public function getEntityViewPermission($scope = 'any');

   * Gets the name of the view unpublished permission for the relation.
   * @param string $scope
   *   (optional) Whether the 'any' or 'own' permission name should be returned.
   *   Defaults to 'any'.
   * @return string|false
   *   The permission name or FALSE if it does not apply.
  public function getEntityViewUnpublishedPermission($scope = 'any');

   * Gets the name of the update permission for the relation.
   * @param string $scope
   *   (optional) Whether the 'any' or 'own' permission name should be returned.
   *   Defaults to 'any'.
   * @return string|false
   *   The permission name or FALSE if it does not apply.
  public function getEntityUpdatePermission($scope = 'any');

   * Gets the name of the delete permission for the relation.
   * @param string $scope
   *   (optional) Whether the 'any' or 'own' permission name should be returned.
   *   Defaults to 'any'.
   * @return string|false
   *   The permission name or FALSE if it does not apply.
  public function getEntityDeletePermission($scope = 'any');

   * Gets the name of the create permission for the relation.
   * @return string|false
   *   The permission name or FALSE if it does not apply.
  public function getEntityCreatePermission();

   * Gets the name of the permission for the given operation, target and scope.
   * @param string $operation
   *   The permission operation. Usually "create", "view", "update" or "delete".
   * @param string $target
   *   The target of the operation. Can be 'relation' or 'entity'.
   * @param string $scope
   *   (optional) Whether the 'any' or 'own' permission name should be returned.
   *   Defaults to 'any'.
   * @return string|false
   *   The permission name or FALSE if it does not apply.
  public function getPermission($operation, $target, $scope = 'any');

   * Provides a list of group permissions the plugin exposes.
   * If you have some group permissions that would only make sense when your
   * plugin is installed, you may define those here. They will not be shown on
   * the permission configuration form unless the plugin is installed.
   * @return array
   *   An array of group permissions, see GroupPermissionHandlerInterface for
   *   the structure of a group permission.
   * @see GroupPermissionHandlerInterface::getPermissions()
  public function buildPermissions();



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
GroupContentPermissionProviderInterface::buildPermissions public function Provides a list of group permissions the plugin exposes. 1
GroupContentPermissionProviderInterface::getAdminPermission public function Gets the name of the admin permission. 1
GroupContentPermissionProviderInterface::getEntityCreatePermission public function Gets the name of the create permission for the relation. 1
GroupContentPermissionProviderInterface::getEntityDeletePermission public function Gets the name of the delete permission for the relation. 1
GroupContentPermissionProviderInterface::getEntityUpdatePermission public function Gets the name of the update permission for the relation. 1
GroupContentPermissionProviderInterface::getEntityViewPermission public function Gets the name of the view permission for the relation. 1
GroupContentPermissionProviderInterface::getEntityViewUnpublishedPermission public function Gets the name of the view unpublished permission for the relation. 1
GroupContentPermissionProviderInterface::getPermission public function Gets the name of the permission for the given operation, target and scope. 1
GroupContentPermissionProviderInterface::getRelationCreatePermission public function Gets the name of the create permission for the relation. 1
GroupContentPermissionProviderInterface::getRelationDeletePermission public function Gets the name of the delete permission for the relation. 1
GroupContentPermissionProviderInterface::getRelationUpdatePermission public function Gets the name of the update permission for the relation. 1
GroupContentPermissionProviderInterface::getRelationViewPermission public function Gets the name of the view permission for the relation. 1