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function gnode_node_access_records in Group 7

Implements hook_node_access_records().

In compliance mode defines the following realms:

  • 'gnode:NODE_TYPE': Grants view and update or delete any access to nodes.
  • 'gnode_unpublished:NODE_TYPE': Grants view access to unpublished nodes.
  • 'gnode_author:UID:NODE_TYPE': Grants update or delete access to authors.
  • 'gnode_bypass': Given to anyone with the 'bypass group access' permission.

In safe mode there is a single realm:

  • 'gnode:safemode': Grants view access, however this is never given to any user as we hand access control over to gnode_query_node_access_alter().

See also



modules/gnode/, line 147
Hooks and functions used in compliance mode.


function gnode_node_access_records($node) {
  $grants = array();

  // If the node isn't part of a group, we do not set any access records for it.
  // This allows the node module to take over the responsibility for access by
  // setting the all access record in node_access_acquire_grants().
  if (empty($node->group)) {
    return $grants;

  // We can use the same grant-all base because we will only hand out the grants
  // based on the $op parameter in hook_node_grants().
  $base = array(
    'grant_view' => 1,
    'grant_update' => 1,
    'grant_delete' => 1,
    'priority' => 0,

  // Add the non-author record for viewing nodes.
  $prefix = $node->status ? 'gnode' : 'gnode_unpublished';
  $grants[] = array(
    'gid' => $node->group,
    'realm' => "{$prefix}:{$node->type}",
  ) + $base;

  // Add the author record for updating or deleting nodes.
  $grants[] = array(
    'gid' => $node->group,
    'realm' => "gnode_author:{$node->uid}:{$node->type}",
  ) + $base;

  // Add the general access bypass record.
  $grants[] = array(
    'realm' => 'gnode_bypass',
  ) + $base;
  return $grants;