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function hook_group_membership_action_info in Group 7

Provide information about group membership actions exposed by your module.

Membership actions affect the way users are members of a group. An example of how to implement your own membership action can be found in the Group Invite (ginvite) submodule included in Group.

Typically, a module that provides a membership action also provides at least one group permission and optionally membership status to go with it. Check out hook_group_permission() and hook_group_membership_status_info() respectively on how to do so.

Out of the box, membership actions are represented by buttons on the group view. Other modules can choose to create different display options for them.

Return value

array An array of actions that can affect the state of a membership, keyed by a unique machine name with each entry having the following keys:

  • label: The human readable label for the membership action. This will be used as the button label on the group view.
  • description: (optional) Extra information about what the action does to a membership. Can be used by other modules.
  • access callback: (optional) Callback that returns TRUE if the user has access to the action or FALSE otherwise. Always receives a group and user object as arguments and a group membership object if one exists or FALSE otherwise. Always allows access if a callback is omitted.
  • action callback: Callback which is called when the action is fired. Out of the box this happens when the button on the group view is pressed. Always receives a group and user object as arguments and a group membership object if one exists or FALSE otherwise.

See also



2 functions implement hook_group_membership_action_info()

Note: this list is generated by pattern matching, so it may include some functions that are not actually implementations of this hook.

ginvite_group_membership_action_info in modules/ginvite/
Implements hook_group_membership_action_info().
group_group_membership_action_info in ./
Implements hook_group_membership_action_info().
1 invocation of hook_group_membership_action_info()
group_membership_action_info in helpers/
Get the group membership action information.


./group.api.php, line 441
Hooks provided by the Group module.


function hook_group_membership_action_info() {
  $info['digest_subscribe'] = array(
    'label' => t('Subscribe to e-mail digest'),
    'description' => t('Receive e-mail notifications for events in this group.'),
    'access callback' => 'mymodule_member_is_not_subscribed',
    'action callback' => 'mymodule_subscribe_member_digest',
  $info['digest_unsubscribe'] = array(
    'label' => t('Unsubscribe from e-mail digest'),
    'description' => t('Stop receiving e-mail notifications.'),
    'access callback' => 'mymodule_member_is_subscribed',
    'action callback' => 'mymodule_unsubscribe_member_digest',
  return $info;