class GridStackManager in GridStack 8
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 8.2 src/GridStackManager.php \Drupal\gridstack\GridStackManager
Implements GridStackManagerInterface.
- class \Drupal\gridstack\GridStackManager extends \Drupal\blazy\BlazyManagerBase implements \Drupal\blazy\BlazyManagerInterface, GridStackManagerInterface uses StringTranslationTrait
Expanded class hierarchy of GridStackManager
1 string reference to 'GridStackManager'
1 service uses GridStackManager
- src/
GridStackManager.php, line 16
Drupal\gridstackView source
class GridStackManager extends BlazyManagerBase implements BlazyManagerInterface, GridStackManagerInterface {
use StringTranslationTrait;
* Static cache for the skin definition.
* @var array
protected $skinDefinition;
* Static cache for the skin options.
* @var array
protected $skinOptions;
* Returns defined skins as registered via hook_gridstack_skins_info().
public function getSkins() {
if (!isset($this->skinDefinition)) {
$this->skinDefinition = $this
->buildSkins('gridstack', '\\Drupal\\gridstack\\GridStackSkin');
return $this->skinDefinition;
* Returns available skins for select options.
public function getSkinOptions() {
if (!isset($this->skinOptions)) {
$this->skinOptions = [];
foreach ($this
->getSkins() as $skin => $properties) {
$this->skinOptions[$skin] = isset($properties['name']) ? strip_tags($properties['name']) : $skin;
return $this->skinOptions;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function attach($attach = []) {
$attach += [
'skin' => FALSE,
$load = parent::attach($attach);
// Only load GridStack JS if not using Bootstrap, nor Foundation.
if (!empty($attach['use_js'])) {
$customized = $this
->configLoad('customized', 'gridstack.settings');
$load['library'][] = empty($customized) ? 'gridstack/load' : 'gridstack/customized';
if (!empty($attach['width']) && $attach['width'] < 12) {
$load['library'][] = 'gridstack/gridstack.' . $attach['width'];
// Breakpoints: xs sm md lg requires separate CSS files.
if (!empty($attach['breakpoints'])) {
foreach ($attach['breakpoints'] as $breakpoint) {
if (!empty($breakpoint['column']) && $breakpoint['column'] < 12) {
$load['library'][] = 'gridstack/gridstack.' . $breakpoint['column'];
$load['drupalSettings']['gridstack'] = GridStack::load('default')
if (!empty($attach['library'])) {
$load['library'][] = $attach['library'];
// Skins may be available for JS, or CSS layouts.
if ($skin = $attach['skin']) {
$skins = $this
$provider = isset($skins[$skin]['provider']) ? $skins[$skin]['provider'] : 'gridstack';
$load['library'][] = 'gridstack/' . $provider . '.' . $skin;
->alter('gridstack_attach', $load, $attach);
return $load;
* Provides box attributes.
* Available attributes:
* - Base: x, y, width, height.
* - Extra: autoPosition, minWidth, maxWidth, minHeight, maxHeight, id.
* @param array $settings
* The settings being modified.
* @param string $current
* The current box identifier: grids, or nested.
* @param object $optionset
* The \Drupal\gridstack\Entity\GridStack GridStack instance.
* @return array
* The array of attributes for each box, either main, or nested boxes.
public function setBoxAttributes(array &$settings = [], $current = 'grids', $optionset = NULL) {
$attributes = [];
$breakpoint = isset($settings['breakpoint']) ? $settings['breakpoint'] : 'lg';
$breakpoints = isset($settings['breakpoints']) ? $settings['breakpoints'] : [];
$id = isset($settings['delta']) ? $settings['delta'] : 0;
$nid = isset($settings['nested_delta']) ? $settings['nested_delta'] : NULL;
$use_js = empty($settings['use_framework']) && !empty($settings['root']) || !empty($settings['_admin']);
// Provides GridStack JS grid attributes.
if ($use_js) {
$end_grids = $optionset
$grids = isset($breakpoints[$breakpoint]) && isset($breakpoints[$breakpoint][$current]) ? $breakpoints[$breakpoint][$current] : $end_grids;
if (empty($grids)) {
return $attributes;
// Nested grids.
if (isset($settings['nested_delta']) && $current == 'nested') {
foreach ([
] as $key) {
if (!isset($grids[$id][$nid])) {
$value = isset($grids[$id][$nid][$key]) ? $grids[$id][$nid][$key] : 0;
$attributes['data-gs-' . $key] = $value;
else {
// The root element grids.
foreach ([
] as $key) {
$value = isset($grids[$id][$key]) ? $grids[$id][$key] : 0;
$attributes['data-gs-' . $key] = $value;
return $attributes;
// Provides static Bootstrap/ Foundation grid attributes.
// When this is hit, GridStack JS and CSS assets are not loaded.
$framework = $settings['framework'];
$points = [
'xs' => 'xsmall',
'sm' => 'small',
'md' => 'medium',
'lg' => 'large',
'xl' => 'xlarge',
$regions = isset($settings['regions']) ? $settings['regions'] : [];
$region = $current == 'nested' ? 'gridstack_' . $id . '_' . $nid : 'gridstack_' . $id;
if (!empty($regions[$region])) {
if (isset($regions[$region]['attributes']) && !empty($regions[$region]['attributes'])) {
$attributes = $optionset::parseAttributes($regions[$region]['attributes']);
// @todo: Remove BC $old_classes.
$old_classes = !empty($regions[$region]['classes']) ? $regions[$region]['classes'] : '';
$new_classes = !empty($regions[$region]['wrapper_classes']) ? $regions[$region]['wrapper_classes'] : $old_classes;
if (!empty($new_classes)) {
$classes = explode(' ', $new_classes);
foreach ($classes as $class) {
$attributes['class'][] = trim($class);
// Bootstrap 4 uses flexbox with `col` class, and has `xl` breakpoint.
// @todo: Make it generic for other frameworks, or at least alterable.
if ($framework == 'bootstrap') {
$attributes['class'][] = 'col';
elseif ($framework == 'foundation') {
unset($points['xs'], $points['xl']);
$unique = $optionset::optimizeGridWidths($settings, $current);
foreach ($points as $point => $label) {
if (!isset($unique[$point])) {
$prefix = $suffix = '';
if (strpos($framework, 'bootstrap') !== FALSE) {
// Specific to XS: Bootstrap 3: col-xs-*, Bootstrap 4: col-*.
$prefix = 'col-' . $point . '-';
if ($framework == 'bootstrap' && $point == 'xs') {
$prefix = 'col-';
elseif ($framework == 'foundation') {
$prefix = $label . '-';
$suffix = ' columns';
$attributes['class'][] = $prefix . $unique[$point] . $suffix;
return $attributes;
* Provides Panels IPE attributes if available.
* GridStackLayout has no knowledge of IPE, and IPE expects region keys which
* are not provided by GridStack, hence rebuild needed attributes.
* @param array $box
* The box being modified.
* @param array $block
* The block containing IPE specific attributes, or complete #prefix.
public function setIpeAttributes(array &$box = [], array $block = []) {
if ($block && !empty($block['#prefix'])) {
$box['#prefix'] = $block['#prefix'];
foreach (Element::children($box) as $id) {
if (isset($block[$id]['#attributes']['data-block-id'])) {
$box[$id]['#attributes']['data-block-id'] = $block[$id]['#attributes']['data-block-id'];
* Modifies GridStack boxes to support nested grids for Bootstrap/ Foundation.
* The nested grids require extra tools like DS, Panelizer, or Widget, to
* arrange them into their relevant container, e.g.: DS region, Widget block.
* @param array $build
* An associative array containing:
* - items: An array of gridstack contents: text, image or media.
* - options: An array of key:value pairs of custom JS options.
* - optionset: The cached optionset object to avoid multiple invocations.
* - settings: An array of key:value pairs of HTML/layout related settings.
* @param array $regions
* The available region attributes normally provided by Panels.
* @return array
* The renderable array of a GridStack instance, or empty array.
public function buildItems(array $build = [], array $regions = []) {
$optionset = $build['optionset'];
$items = $build['items'];
$settings = $build['settings'];
$grids = $optionset
$content = [];
$settings['wrapper'] = '';
foreach ($items as $delta => $item) {
$clone_box = isset($item['box']) ? $item['box'] : [];
$attributes = isset($item['attributes']) ? $item['attributes'] : [];
$settings = isset($item['settings']) ? array_merge($settings, $item['settings']) : $settings;
$region = 'gridstack_' . $delta;
$clone = [
'box' => $clone_box,
'caption' => isset($item['caption']) ? $item['caption'] : [],
$settings['delta'] = $delta;
if ($grids) {
// Skips if more than we can chew, otherwise broken grid anyway.
if (!isset($grids[$delta])) {
// Layout build admin integration.
if (isset($regions[$region]['#attributes']) && is_array($regions[$region]['#attributes'])) {
$attributes = array_merge($attributes, $regions[$region]['#attributes']);
$attributes['class'][] = 'layout-builder--layout__region layout__region layout__region--' . $region;
if (isset($regions[$region]['layout_builder_add_block'])) {
$clone['box'][] = $regions[$region]['layout_builder_add_block'];
// Node contains the main grids/boxes.
// @todo: See if to check for $settings['root'] for $nested_grids.
$main_attributes = $this
->setBoxAttributes($settings, 'grids', $optionset);
$nested_grids = $optionset
$is_nested = array_filter($nested_grids);
$root_settings = $settings;
$clone['attributes'] = NestedArray::mergeDeep($attributes, $main_attributes);
$root_settings['wrapper'] = '';
if (isset($settings['regions']) && !empty($settings['regions'][$region]['wrapper'])) {
$root_settings['wrapper'] = $settings['regions'][$region]['wrapper'];
// Panels IPE integration only output for granted users.
if (!empty($clone['box']) && !empty($settings['_access_ipe']) && isset($regions[$region])) {
->setIpeAttributes($clone['box'], $regions[$region]);
$clone['settings'] = $root_settings;
// Nested grids/ boxes with preserved indices even if empty.
if (!empty($is_nested)) {
$clone['attributes']['class'][] = 'box--nester';
$settings['root'] = FALSE;
$settings['nested'] = $root_settings['nested'] = TRUE;
$settings['nester'] = FALSE;
$clone['settings'] = $root_settings;
$nested = $clone_box;
// The nested elements.
if (!empty($nested) && isset($nested[0]['box'])) {
foreach ($nested_grids as $nid => $nested_grid) {
$nested_region = $delta . '_' . $nid;
$region = 'gridstack_' . $nested_region;
// Panels IPE integration only output for granted users.
if (!empty($nested[$nid]['box']) && !empty($settings['_access_ipe']) && isset($regions[$region])) {
->setIpeAttributes($nested[$nid]['box'], $regions[$region]);
$settings['nested_delta'] = $nid;
$nested[$nid]['settings'] = isset($nested[$nid]['settings']) ? array_merge($settings, $nested[$nid]['settings']) : $settings;
$nested[$nid]['settings']['wrapper'] = '';
if (isset($settings['regions'][$region]) && !empty($settings['regions'][$region]['wrapper'])) {
$nested[$nid]['settings']['wrapper'] = $settings['regions'][$region]['wrapper'];
$nested[$nid]['settings']['nested_id'] = $delta + 1 . '-' . ($nid + 1);
$nested_attributes = isset($nested[$nid]['attributes']) ? $nested[$nid]['attributes'] : [];
// Layout build admin integration.
if (isset($regions[$region]['#attributes']) && is_array($regions[$region]['#attributes'])) {
$nested_attributes = array_merge($nested_attributes, $regions[$region]['#attributes']);
$nested_attributes['class'][] = 'layout-builder--layout__region layout__region layout__region--' . $region;
if (isset($regions[$region]['layout_builder_add_block'])) {
$nested[$nid]['box'][] = $regions[$region]['layout_builder_add_block'];
$nested[$nid]['attributes'] = NestedArray::mergeDeep($nested_attributes, $this
->setBoxAttributes($settings, 'nested', $optionset));
$nested[$nid]['attributes']['class'][] = 'box--nested';
// Adds prefix for admin actions, etc.
$box = [];
if (isset($item['prefix'])) {
$box['prefix'] = $item['prefix'];
// Provides nested gridstack if so configured.
$box['content'] = [
'#theme' => 'gridstack',
'#items' => $nested,
'#grids' => $nested_grids,
'#optionset' => $optionset,
'#settings' => $settings,
'#attributes' => isset($item['wrapper_attributes']) ? $item['wrapper_attributes'] : [],
$clone['box'] = $box;
$clone['settings'] = $root_settings;
$content[] = $clone;
return $content;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function build(array $build = []) {
foreach ([
] as $key) {
$build[$key] = isset($build[$key]) ? $build[$key] : [];
if (empty($build['items'])) {
return [];
$layout = isset($build['layout']) ? $build['layout'] : [];
$gridstack = [
'#theme' => 'gridstack',
'#items' => [],
'#build' => $build,
'#pre_render' => [
'#layout' => $layout,
if ($layout) {
foreach ($layout
->getRegions() as $region => $info) {
$gridstack[$region] = [];
else {
// Satisfy CTools blocks as per 2017/04/06: 2804165 which expects children
// only, but not #theme, #type, #markup properties.
// @todo: Remove when CTools is more accommodative.
$gridstack['items'] = [];
$settings = $build['settings'];
if (!empty($settings['_layout_builder'])) {
// @todo layout builder integration.
// Only enable cache under production mode, or intentionally provided.
// @todo: Remove when static layout supports configurable cache.
$max_age = $this
->configLoad('', 'system.performance');
$max_age = empty($settings['cache']) ? $max_age : $settings['cache'];
$id = empty($settings['id']) ? 'gridstack-' . $settings['optionset'] : $settings['id'];
$settings['id'] = $id = GridStack::getHtmlId('gridstack', $id);
$suffixes[] = count($build['items']);
$suffixes[] = count(array_filter($settings));
$suffixes[] = $max_age;
$cache['tags'] = Cache::buildTags('gridstack:' . $id, $suffixes, '.');
$cache['contexts'] = [
$cache['max-age'] = $max_age;
$cache['keys'] = isset($settings['cache_metadata']['keys']) ? $settings['cache_metadata']['keys'] : [
if (!empty($settings['cache_tags'])) {
$cache['tags'] = Cache::mergeTags($cache['tags'], $settings['cache_tags']);
$gridstack['#cache'] = $cache;
return $gridstack;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function preRenderGridStack($element) {
$build = $element['#build'];
if (empty($build['items'])) {
return [];
// Build gridstack elements.
$defaults = GridStack::htmlSettings();
$settings = $build['settings'] ? array_merge($defaults, $build['settings']) : $defaults;
$optionset = $build['optionset'] ?: GridStack::load($settings['optionset']);
// Ensures deleted optionset while being used doesn't screw up.
if (empty($optionset)) {
$optionset = $build['optionset'] = GridStack::load('default');
// Use static grid framework if so configured.
$settings = array_merge($settings, $optionset
$is_admin = !empty($settings['_layout_builder']) || !empty($settings['_ipe']);
$is_builder = !empty($settings['_layout_builder']) && isset($element['#attributes']) && isset($element['#attributes']['data-layout-delta']);
$is_ipe = !empty($settings['_ipe']) && isset($element['#prefix']) && strpos($element['#prefix'], 'panels-ipe-content') !== FALSE;
$settings['use_js'] = empty($settings['_admin']);
$settings['framework'] = $this
->configLoad('framework', 'gridstack.settings');
$settings['library'] = $is_admin ? $this
->configLoad('library', 'gridstack.settings') : '';
$settings['use_framework'] = !empty($settings['framework']) && $optionset
$settings['_access_ipe'] = FALSE;
if ($settings['use_framework']) {
$settings['background'] = $settings['use_js'] = FALSE;
$settings['use_framework'] = empty($settings['_admin']);
$attachments = $this
if (empty($settings['breakpoints'])) {
if (!empty($settings['root'])) {
if (empty($build['grids'])) {
$build['grids'] = $optionset
// Adds wrapper attributes.
if (!empty($settings['attributes'])) {
$element['#attributes'] = $optionset::parseAttributes($settings['attributes']);
// Adds wrapper classes.
if (!empty($settings['use_framework'])) {
if (!empty($settings['wrapper_classes']) && is_string($settings['wrapper_classes'])) {
$classes = explode(' ', $settings['wrapper_classes']);
foreach ($classes as $class) {
$element['#attributes']['class'][] = trim($class);
// Do not leak container attributes as already processed above.
$settings['attributes'] = $settings['wrapper_classes'] = '';
// Panels IPE integration.
$regions = [];
$children = Element::children($element);
if (isset($element['#attached'])) {
$build['attached'] = NestedArray::mergeDeep($build['attached'], $element['#attached']);
if ($is_admin) {
// Panels IPE only outputs its markup for granted users.
// Hence this acts more like #access property.
$settings['_access_ipe'] = $is_ipe || $is_builder;
foreach ($children as $child) {
if ($child == 'items') {
$regions[$child] = $element[$child];
$build['attached']['library'][] = 'gridstack/admin_base';
$element['#optionset'] = $optionset;
$element['#grids'] = $build['grids'];
$element['#settings'] = $build['settings'] = $settings;
$element['#columns'] = empty($build['columns']) ? $optionset
->getJson('breakpoints') : $build['columns'];
$element['#attached'] = empty($build['attached']) ? $attachments : NestedArray::mergeDeep($build['attached'], $attachments);
$element['#items'] = $this
->buildItems($build, $regions);
// CTools, Panels and Panels IPE are happy, safe to free up wasted children.
if ($children) {
foreach ($children as $child) {
return $element;
* Implements hook_library_info_build().
public function libraryInfoBuild() {
$libraries = [];
if ($skins = $this
->getSkins()) {
foreach ($skins as $key => $skin) {
$provider = isset($skin['provider']) ? $skin['provider'] : 'gridstack';
$id = $provider . '.' . $key;
foreach ([
] as $property) {
if (isset($skin[$property]) && is_array($skin[$property])) {
$libraries[$id][$property] = $skin[$property];
$libraries[$id]['dependencies'][] = 'gridstack/skin';
foreach (range(1, 12) as $key) {
$libraries['gridstack.' . $key] = [
'css' => [
'layout' => [
'css/layout/grid-stack-' . $key . '.css' => [],
return $libraries;
* Implements hook_config_schema_info_alter().
* @todo: Also verify widget.module, and revisit if any further change.
public static function configSchemaInfoAlter(array &$definitions) {
// Panels passes its layout.settings to layout_plugin.settings.
if (isset($definitions['layout_plugin.settings'])) {
self::mapConfigSchemaInfoAlter($definitions['layout_plugin.settings'], 'panelizer');
// @todo: Remove when DS passes layout.settings to layout_plugin.settings.
if (isset($definitions['core.entity_view_display.*.*.*.third_party.ds'])) {
* Maps config schema.
public static function mapConfigSchemaInfoAlter(array &$mappings, $source = '') {
$common = [
// @todo: Remove unwanted debris.
if ($source == 'panelizer') {
$common = array_merge($common, [
foreach ($common as $key) {
$mappings['mapping'][$key]['type'] = 'string';
$mappings['mapping'][$key]['label'] = ucwords($key);
$mappings['mapping']['regions']['type'] = 'sequence';
$mappings['mapping']['regions']['label'] = 'Regions';
$mappings['mapping']['regions']['sequence'][0]['type'] = 'mapping';
$mappings['mapping']['regions']['sequence'][0]['label'] = 'Region';
foreach ($common as $key) {
$mappings['mapping']['regions']['sequence'][0]['mapping'][$key]['type'] = 'string';
$mappings['mapping']['regions']['sequence'][0]['mapping'][$key]['label'] = ucwords($key);
* Implements hook_field_formatter_info_alter().
public function fieldFormatterInfoAlter(array &$info) {
$common = [
'quickedit' => [
'editor' => 'disabled',
'provider' => 'gridstack',
// Supports Media Entity via VEM within VEF if available.
// @todo refactor or drop for blazy 2.x.
if ($this
->moduleExists('video_embed_media')) {
$info['gridstack_file'] = $common + [
'id' => 'gridstack_file',
'label' => $this
->t('GridStack Image with Media'),
'description' => $this
->t('Display the images associated to VEM/ME as a simple mix of GridStack image/video.'),
'class' => 'Drupal\\gridstack\\Plugin\\Field\\FieldFormatter\\GridStackFileFormatter',
'field_types' => [
$info['gridstack_media'] = $common + [
'id' => 'gridstack_media',
'label' => $this
->t('GridStack Media'),
'description' => $this
->t('Display the VEM/ME as a simple mix of GridStack image/video.'),
'class' => 'Drupal\\gridstack\\Plugin\\Field\\FieldFormatter\\GridStackMediaFormatter',
'field_types' => [
if (function_exists('paragraphs_theme')) {
$info['gridstack_paragraphs'] = $common + [
'id' => 'gridstack_paragraphs',
'label' => $this
->t('GridStack Paragraphs'),
'description' => $this
->t('Display the Paragraphs as a GridStack.'),
'class' => 'Drupal\\gridstack\\Plugin\\Field\\FieldFormatter\\GridStackParagraphsFormatter',
'field_types' => [
Name![]() |
Modifiers | Type | Description | Overrides |
GridStackManager:: |
protected | property | Static cache for the skin definition. | |
GridStackManager:: |
protected | property | Static cache for the skin options. | |
GridStackManager:: |
public | function | ||
GridStackManager:: |
public | function |
Returns a cacheable renderable array of a single gridstack instance. Overrides GridStackManagerInterface:: |
GridStackManager:: |
public | function | Modifies GridStack boxes to support nested grids for Bootstrap/ Foundation. | |
GridStackManager:: |
public static | function | Implements hook_config_schema_info_alter(). | |
GridStackManager:: |
public | function | Implements hook_field_formatter_info_alter(). | |
GridStackManager:: |
public | function | Returns available skins for select options. | |
GridStackManager:: |
public | function | Returns defined skins as registered via hook_gridstack_skins_info(). | |
GridStackManager:: |
public | function | Implements hook_library_info_build(). | |
GridStackManager:: |
public static | function | Maps config schema. | |
GridStackManager:: |
public | function | ||
GridStackManager:: |
public | function | Provides box attributes. | |
GridStackManager:: |
public | function | Provides Panels IPE attributes if available. | |
StringTranslationTrait:: |
protected | property | The string translation service. | 1 |
StringTranslationTrait:: |
protected | function | Formats a string containing a count of items. | |
StringTranslationTrait:: |
protected | function | Returns the number of plurals supported by a given language. | |
StringTranslationTrait:: |
protected | function | Gets the string translation service. | |
StringTranslationTrait:: |
public | function | Sets the string translation service to use. | 2 |
StringTranslationTrait:: |
protected | function | Translates a string to the current language or to a given language. |