gridstack.libraries.yml in GridStack 8.2
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- # Front-end and Admin UI.
- gridstack:
- remote:
- version: 0.2.x
- license:
- name: MIT
- url:
- gpl-compatible: true
- js:
- /libraries/gridstack/dist/gridstack.min.js: { minified: true, weight: -2 }
- dependencies:
- - core/jquery
- - core/underscore
- # The minimum CSS rules to support js-driven layouts, including Outlayer
- # (Masonry/Packery/Isotope filterable) layouts, excluding native Grid.
- static:
- css:
- layout:
- css/gridstack.static.css: {}
- # GridStack JS specific rules. Not needed by native CSS Grid.
- library:
- css:
- layout:
- css/gridstack.library.css: {}
- dependencies:
- - gridstack/static
- # Admin UI only.
- # @todo removed jquery API in v1.0.0.
- ui:
- css:
- theme:
- css/admin/gridstack.admin.ui.css: {}
- dependencies:
- - core/drupal.debounce
- - core/jquery
- # @todo remove anything jquery.ui as per 3079748, 3067969
- # @see
- - core/jquery.ui
- - core/jquery.ui.draggable
- # @todo removed from D9 - core/jquery.ui.droppable
- - core/jquery.ui.resizable
- - gridstack/library
- # Admin UI only. Since v0.5.4, jquery.ui is included with gridstack.all.js.
- # Meaning cannot use gridstack.all.js since jQuery UI might be already loaded
- # on the page by core or other contrib modules.
- # @todo remove anything jquery.ui as per 3079748, 3067969
- # @see
- all:
- js:
- /libraries/gridstack/dist/gridstack.jQueryUI.min.js: { minified: true, weight: -2 }
- dependencies:
- - gridstack/ui
- - gridstack/gridstack
- # Can be enabled via Use non-minified GridStack library option.
- dev:
- js:
- /libraries/gridstack/dist/gridstack.js: { weight: -2 }
- # @todo remove anything jquery.ui as per 3079748, 3067969
- # @see
- /libraries/gridstack/dist/gridstack.jQueryUI.js: { weight: -2 }
- dependencies:
- - gridstack/ui
- # Admin UI only.
- backbone:
- js:
- js/admin/gridstack.admin.base.min.js: { minified: true, weight: -0.009 }
- js/admin/gridstack.admin.backbone.model.min.js: { minified: true, weight: -0.008 }
- js/admin/gridstack.admin.backbone.view.min.js: { minified: true, weight: -0.007 }
- js/admin/gridstack.admin.backbone.crud.min.js: { minified: true, weight: -0.006 }
- js/admin/gridstack.admin.backbone.min.js: { minified: true, weight: -0.005 }
- js/admin/gridstack.admin.ui.min.js: { minified: true, weight: -0.004 }
- dependencies:
- - core/jquery
- - core/backbone
- - blazy/dblazy
- # Admin UI only with drag-and-drop layout creator.
- admin:
- js:
- js/admin/gridstack.admin.min.js: { minified: true, weight: -0.003 }
- dependencies:
- - gridstack/backbone
- - gridstack/admin_base
- # Admin UI only.
- admin_base:
- css:
- theme:
- css/admin/gridstack.admin.css: {}
- # Layout Builder integration.
- admin_variant:
- css:
- theme:
- css/admin/gridstack.admin.variant.css: {}
- admin_modal:
- js:
- js/admin/gridstack.admin.modal.min.js: { minified: true }
- css:
- theme:
- css/admin/gridstack.admin.modal.css: {}
- admin_layout:
- js:
- js/admin/gridstack.admin.layout.min.js: { minified: true }
- css:
- theme:
- css/admin/gridstack.admin.layout.css: {}
- dependencies:
- - core/drupal.debounce
- - gridstack/debug
- - gridstack/gridstyle
- - gridstack/admin_modal
- - gridstack/admin_variant
- # Basic layout fixes to avoid broken boxes when containing blocks.
- layout:
- css:
- layout:
- css/gridstack.layout.css: {}
- ratio:
- js:
- # Before blazy.load.js.
- js/components/gridstack.ratio.min.js: { minified: true, weight: -1.75 }
- css:
- component:
- css/components/gridstack.ratio.css: {}
- theme:
- css/gridstack.css: {}
- dependencies:
- - blazy/base
- # The background utilities.
- stylizer:
- css:
- component:
- css/components/gridstack.stylizer.css: {}
- dependencies:
- - gridstack/ratio
- parallax:
- js:
- js/components/gridstack.parallax.min.js: { minified: true }
- css:
- component:
- css/components/gridstack.parallax.css: {}
- dependencies:
- - core/drupal.debounce
- - blazy/bio
- - gridstack/stylizer
- # Front-end (js|native) layouts.
- # This is the customized gridstack CSS rules utilities.
- gridstyle:
- js:
- js/components/ { minified: true, weight: -0.011 }
- dependencies:
- - blazy/dblazy
- # This is the customized gridstack without drag and drop as a replacement.
- gridstatic:
- js:
- js/gridstack.static.min.js: { minified: true, weight: -0.010 }
- dependencies:
- - core/drupal.debounce
- - gridstack/gridstyle
- base:
- js:
- js/gridstack.base.min.js: { minified: true, weight: -0.005 }
- css:
- component:
- css/components/gridstack.sizer.css: {}
- theme:
- css/gridstack.theme.css: {}
- dependencies:
- - core/drupal.debounce
- - blazy/load
- - gridstack/ratio
- # Required by GridStack JS and native CSS Grid to make it responsive.
- fe:
- js:
- js/gridstack.fe.min.js: { minified: true, weight: -0.003 }
- dependencies:
- - gridstack/base
- # Native CSS Grid won't load GridStack JS, yet uses own JS for responsiveness.
- native:
- js:
- js/gridstack.native.min.js: { minified: true, weight: -0.002 }
- css:
- theme:
- css/gridstack.native.css: {}
- dependencies:
- - gridstack/fe
- # Front-end (js-driven), not loaded when using native CSS Grid.
- load:
- js:
- js/gridstack.load.min.js: { minified: true, weight: -0.002 }
- dependencies:
- # - gridstack/gridstack
- - gridstack/library
- - gridstack/fe
- skin:
- css:
- theme:
- css/ {}
- debug:
- css:
- layout:
- css/admin/gridstack.debug.css: {}