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function _gravatar_get_size in Gravatar integration 5

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6 gravatar.module \_gravatar_get_size()

Get the size in pixels of the gravatar.

Return value

An integer representing a square image size in pixels.

2 calls to _gravatar_get_size()
gravatar_admin_settings in ./gravatar.module
Administration settings form.
_gravatar_get_gravatar in ./gravatar.module
Generate a gravatar URL.


./gravatar.module, line 211
Integrates gravatar service for comment user pictures.


function _gravatar_get_size() {
  static $size = NULL;
  if (!isset($size)) {
    $size = min(explode('x', variable_get('user_picture_dimensions', '85x85') . 'x512'));
  return $size;