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function google_webfont_loader_api_theme_registry_alter in Webfont Loader 7

Implements hook_theme_registry_alter().


./google_webfont_loader_api.module, line 69
Google Webfont Loader API primary file The designer/developer creates a set of packages (will use .fontinfo files created in a similar manner to a module or theme .info file) from which the site admin can then choose for their site. The fonts can…


function google_webfont_loader_api_theme_registry_alter(&$theme_registry) {
  $preprocess_registry = $theme_registry['html']['preprocess functions'];
  foreach ($preprocess_registry as $key => $value) {
    if ($value == 'google_webfont_loader_api_preprocess_html') {
  $preprocess_registry[] = 'google_webfont_loader_api_preprocess_html';
  $theme_registry['html']['preprocess functions'] = $preprocess_registry;