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function google_cse_preprocess_item_list__search_results in Google Custom Search Engine 8.3

Implements hook_preprocess_item_list__search_results().


./google_cse.module, line 80
Display a Google Custom Search Engine (CSE) on your site.


function google_cse_preprocess_item_list__search_results(&$variables) {

  // In the context of Google CSE, we rely on Google to render the content.
  // Therefore, we do not want to use Drupal's default list
  // (see Drupal\search\Controller\SearchController::view()).
  // The simplest way to achieve this in a Drupal context is to
  // unset the "items" sent to the list template and render the
  // Google CSE results as the 'empty' value.
  if (isset($variables['items'][0]['value'])) {
    if ($variables['items'][0]['value']['#theme'] == "google_cse_results") {
      $variables['empty'] = $variables['items'][0];