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Functions in Google Custom Search Engine 6

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
google_build_query ./google.module Build a query array based on Google CSE settings. 2
google_cse_admin_settings ./ Admin settings page for the CSE. 1
google_cse_advanced_settings ./google_cse.module Returns an array of any advanced settings which have been set. 3
google_cse_block ./google_cse.module Implementation of hook_block().
google_cse_forms ./google_cse.module Implementation of hook_forms();
google_cse_init ./google_cse.module Implementation of hook_init().
google_cse_menu ./google_cse.module Implementation of hook_menu().
google_cse_perm ./google_cse.module Implementation of hook_perm().
google_cse_requirements ./google_cse.install Implementation of hook_requirements().
google_cse_results ./google_cse.module Render the search page and custom title. 2
google_cse_results_set_title ./google_cse.module Return the Google CSE page title, either a setting or a translation. 2
google_cse_results_tab ./google_cse.module Return the Google CSE tab title, either a setting or a translation. 1 3
google_cse_searchbox_form_builder ./google_cse.module Form builder for the searchbox forms. 1
google_cse_sitesearch_default ./google_cse.module Return SiteSearch default value. 3 2
google_cse_sitesearch_form ./google_cse.module Returns SiteSearch options form item. 2
google_cse_theme ./google_cse.module Implementation of hook_theme().
google_cse_uninstall ./google_cse.install Implementation of hook_uninstall().
google_form_alter ./google.module Implementation of hook_form_alter().
google_init ./google.module Implementation of hook_init().
google_search ./google.module Implementation of hook_search().
google_search_page ./google.module Implementation of hook_search_page().
google_submit_redirect ./google.module Redirect form submission to URL with query parameters. 1
template_preprocess_google_cse_results ./ The search results page can be themed/customized.
template_preprocess_google_cse_results_gadget ./ Display an Add-to-Google button.

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