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function theme_analytics_dashboard_form in Google Chart Tools 7

Theme wrapper for analytics_dashboard_form()


analytics_dashboard/analytics_dashboard.module, line 136


function theme_analytics_dashboard_form($variables) {
  $form = $variables['form'];
  $output = '';
  $output .= '<div id="analytics-dashboard-page">';
  $output .= '<div class="description">';
  $output .= t('Select a timeframe and click Update to see what\'s happening on your site during that time, as well as a total for all the activity during that timeframe.');
  $output .= '</div>';
  $output .= '<div class="analytics-dashboard-option-row">';
  $output .= drupal_render($form['option']['period']);
  $output .= '<span class="description">From:</span>';
  $output .= drupal_render($form['period']);
  $output .= '<span class="description">ago.</span>';
  $output .= '</div>';
  $output .= '<div class="analytics-dashboard-option-row">';
  $output .= drupal_render($form['option']['custom']);
  $output .= '<span class="description">From:</span>';
  $output .= drupal_render($form['custom_from']);
  $output .= '<span class="description">To:</span>';
  $output .= drupal_render($form['custom_to']);
  $output .= '<span class="description"><i>Format DD.MM.YYYY</i></span>';
  $output .= '</div>';
  $output .= drupal_render_children($form);
  $output .= '</div>';
  return $output;