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function theme_google_appliance_cached_link in Google Search Appliance 6.2

Theme cached link

1 theme call to theme_google_appliance_cached_link()
theme_google_appliance_search_result_array in ./google_appliance.module
Theme the search results for hook_search().


./google_appliance.module, line 1343
Google Search Appliance (GSA) / Google Mini integration


function theme_google_appliance_cached_link($link, $cid, $keys) {
  $google_appliance_host_name = variable_get('google_appliance_host_name', '');
  $google_appliance_default_client = variable_get('google_appliance_default_client', '');
  $keys = '+' . str_replace(' ', '+', $keys);
  if (isset($google_appliance_host_name)) {

    // lose protocol part of the $link url.
    preg_match('/^\\w+\\:\\/\\/(.+)/', $link, $matches);
    if (!empty($matches)) {
      $url = 'http://' . $google_appliance_host_name . '/search?q=cache:' . $cid . ':' . $matches[1] . $keys . '&proxystylesheet=' . $google_appliance_default_client;
      return l('cached version', $url);