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function hook_google_analytics_et_google_analytics_et_api in Google Analytics Event Tracking 7

Defines selectors and events to track through google analytics.

Returns an array with all nessesary information to track an event with google analytics. Each member of the array should be an associative array with the following, keys: event :

  • (String) - A javascript event. ie: mousedown | mousemove | mouseover Note: to track clicks it is best to use the [mousedown] event and not the [click] event

selector :

  • (String) - A CSS selector for the DOM element that will be tracked.

category :

  • (String) - For internal use. Does not effect functionallity. Used for catigorization in google analytics. Available tokens: !text, !href, !currentPage

    • !text : inserts text from DOM element into parameter.
    • !href : inserts text from the href attriute from the DOM element
    • !currentPage : inserts the url of the current page

    Note : if a token is used then only one token can be used. For example: `!url !text` will not work nor will `home !text`.

action :

  • (String) - For internal use. Does not effect functionallity.

label :

  • (String) - For internal use. Does not effect functionallity.

value :

  • (Number) - For internal use. Does not effect functionallity. Does effect statistics.

noninteraction :

  • (Bool) - For internal use. Does not effect functionallity. Does effect statistics.

options :

  • (Array) - Options Array holds values for extra options that deal with how the event tracking occurs. Available options: "track one event" Usage: options = array("track one event" => TRUE);

Return value

array A multidimentional array in the format: array( array( 'event' => string('mousedown | mousemove | mouseover | etc'), 'selector' => String('#main-menu li a, or other valid css selector'), 'category' => String(!text, !href, !currentPage, or custom string), 'action' => String!text, !href, !currentPage, or custom string(), 'label' => String(!text, !href, !currentPage, or custom string), 'value' => Number(Weight of event), 'noninteraction' => Bool(TRUE | FALSE), ), );


./google_analytics_et.api.php, line 60
Hooks provided by Google Analytics Event Tracking API


function hook_google_analytics_et_google_analytics_et_api() {
  $selectors = array(
      'event' => 'mousedown',
      'selector' => '#main-menu li a',
      'category' => 'main navigation',
      'action' => 'click',
      'label' => '!text',
      'value' => 0,
      'noninteraction' => TRUE,
      'options' => array(),
      'event' => 'mousedown',
      'selector' => 'a#logo',
      'category' => 'Home Link',
      'action' => 'click',
      'label' => 'Logo',
      'value' => 0,
      'noninteraction' => TRUE,
      'options' => array(
        'trackOnce' => TRUE,
      'event' => 'mousedown',
      'selector' => 'div#site-name a[rel="home"]',
      'category' => 'Home Link',
      'action' => 'click',
      'label' => 'Site Name',
      'value' => 0,
      'noninteraction' => TRUE,
      'options' => array(),
      'event' => 'mouseover',
      'selector' => 'div',
      'category' => 'test',
      'action' => 'click',
      'label' => '!test',
      'value' => 0,
      'noninteraction' => TRUE,
      'options' => array(),
  return $selectors;