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function google_analytics_counter_get_sum_per_path in Google Analytics Counter 7.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.2 google_analytics_counter.module \google_analytics_counter_get_sum_per_path()
  2. 6 google_analytics_counter.module \google_analytics_counter_get_sum_per_path()
  3. 7 google_analytics_counter.module \google_analytics_counter_get_sum_per_path()
  4. 7.2 \google_analytics_counter_get_sum_per_path()

Calculate pageviews for one path (with any aliases).

2 calls to google_analytics_counter_get_sum_per_path()
google_analytics_counter_display in ./google_analytics_counter.module
Displays the count.
google_analytics_counter_update_storage in ./
Get pageviews for nodes and write them either to the Drupal core table node_counter, or to the google_analytics_counter_storage table. This function is triggered by hook_cron().


./, line 132
Parsing and writing the fetched data.


function google_analytics_counter_get_sum_per_path($path, $cacheon = TRUE) {


  //dpm('requested path: '.$path);

  // Recognize special path 'all' to get the sum of all pageviews for the profile.
  if ($path == 'all') {

    //dpm('yep: '.variable_get('google_analytics_counter_totalhits', 0));
    return variable_get('google_analytics_counter_totalhits', 0);
  $path = check_plain($path);

  // Esp. in case function is called directly.
  // Remove initial slash, if any.
  if (substr($path, 0, 1) == '/') {
    $path = substr($path, 1);


  // Get list of allowed languages to detect front pages such as http://mydomain.tld/en
  // Must come AFTER the possible initial slash is removed!
  $langs = language_list();
  $frontpages = array();
  foreach ($langs as $lang => $object) {
    $frontpages[] = $lang;
  $frontpages[] = '';
  $frontpages[] = '/';

  if (in_array($path, $frontpages)) {

    // This is the home page!
    $path = variable_get('site_frontpage', 'node');

  //If it's a node we'll distinguish the language part of it, if any. Either format en/node/55 or node/55.
  $path_no_slashes_at_ends = trim($path, '/');
  $splitpath = explode('/', $path_no_slashes_at_ends);

  $lang_prefix = '';
  if (sizeof($splitpath) == 3 and strlen($splitpath[0]) == 2 and $splitpath[1] == 'node' and is_numeric($splitpath[2]) or sizeof($splitpath) == 2 and $splitpath[0] == 'node' and is_numeric($splitpath[1])) {
    if (sizeof($splitpath) == 3) {
      $nidhere = $splitpath[2];
    else {
      if (sizeof($splitpath) == 2) {
        $nidhere = $splitpath[1];
    $dbresults = db_select('node', 'n')
      ->fields('n', array(
      ->condition('nid', $nidhere, '=')
    foreach ($dbresults as $dbresult) {

      if ($dbresult->language != 'und' and $dbresult->language != '') {
        $lang_prefix = $dbresult->language . '/';

        // If this is a language-prefixed node we need its path without the prefix for later.
        if (sizeof($splitpath) == 3) {
          $path = $splitpath[1] . '/' . $splitpath[2];

      // Is just 1 result anyway.

    //dpm('detected NODE path: '.$path);

    //dpm('detected NODE prefix: '.$lang_prefix);

  //Now if it's a node but has a prefixed or unprefixed alias, e.g. en/my/path or my/path, we should also try to determine if it's a node and then count it's node/nid with it!
  if ($lang_prefix == '') {
    if (sizeof($splitpath) > 1 and strlen($splitpath[0]) == 2 and !is_numeric($splitpath[0])) {

      // E.g. en/view or nl/my/view or xx/view
      // Now we need to find which nid does it correspond (the language prefix + the alias)
      $withoutprefix = $splitpath;
      $lang = array_shift($withoutprefix);
      $withoutprefix = implode('/', $withoutprefix);

      //dpm('withoutprefix: '.$withoutprefix);
      $nodepath = drupal_lookup_path('source', $withoutprefix);

      //dpm('system path for alias: '.$nodepath);
      if ($nodepath !== FALSE) {
        $path = $nodepath;
        $lang_prefix = $lang . '/';

      //dpm('detected ALIAS path: '.$path);

      //dpm('detected ALIAS prefix: '.$lang_prefix);

  //Now, it's also possible that it's a node alias but without prefix! E.g. my/path but in fact it's en/node/nid!
  if ($lang_prefix == '') {
    $path_no_slashes_at_ends = trim($path, '/');
    $nodepath = drupal_lookup_path('source', $path_no_slashes_at_ends);

    //dpm('path_no_slashes_at_ends: '.$path_no_slashes_at_ends);

    //dpm('nodepath: '.$nodepath);
    if ($nodepath !== FALSE) {
      $path = $nodepath;
      $splitnodepath = explode('/', $nodepath);
      if (sizeof($splitnodepath) == 2 and $splitnodepath[0] == 'node' and is_numeric($splitnodepath[1])) {
        $dbresults = db_select('node', 'n')
          ->fields('n', array(
          ->condition('nid', $splitnodepath[1], '=')
        foreach ($dbresults as $dbresult) {

          if ($dbresult->language != 'und' and $dbresult->language != '') {
            $lang_prefix = $dbresult->language . '/';

          // Is just 1 result anyway.

        //$lang_prefix = $lang.'/';

      //dpm('detected NODE path from ALIAS: '.$path);

      //dpm('detected NODE prefix from ALIAS: '.$lang_prefix);

  // But it also could be a redirect path!
  if (function_exists('redirect_load_by_source')) {
    $path_no_slashes_at_ends = trim($path, '/');
    $redirect_object = redirect_load_by_source($path_no_slashes_at_ends, $GLOBALS['language']->language, drupal_get_query_parameters());

    if (is_object($redirect_object)) {

      //dpm('gotten from redirect object: '.$redirect_object->redirect);
      if (is_string($redirect_object->redirect)) {
        $path = $redirect_object->redirect;
      if (is_string($redirect_object->language)) {
        $lang_prefix = $redirect_object->language . '/';

      //dpm('detected NODE path from REDIRECT: '.$path);

      //dpm('detected NODE prefix from REDIRECT: '.$lang_prefix);

  // All right, finally we can calculate the sum of pageviews. This process is cached.
  $cacheid = md5($lang_prefix . $path);

  // $cacheon = FALSE; // Useful for debugging.
  if ($cache = cache_get('google_analytics_counter_page_' . $cacheid) and $cacheon) {
    $sum_of_pageviews = $cache->data;

  else {

    // Get pageviews for this path and all its aliases.

     * NOTE: Here $path does NOT have an initial slash because it's coming from either check_plain($_GET['q']) (block) or from a tag like [gac|node/N].
     * Remove a trailing slash (e.g. from node/3/) otherwise _google_analytics_counter_path_aliases() does not find anything.
    $path_no_slashes_at_ends = trim($path, '/');

    //dpm('path_no_slashes_at_ends: '.$path_no_slashes_at_ends);
    $unprefixedaliases = _google_analytics_counter_path_aliases($path_no_slashes_at_ends);


    $allpaths = array();
    $allpaths_dpm = array();
    foreach ($unprefixedaliases as $val) {

      // Google Analytics stores initial slash as well, so let's prefix them.
      $allpaths[] = md5('/' . $lang_prefix . $val);

      // With language prefix, if available, e.g. /en/node/55
      $allpaths_dpm[] = '/' . $lang_prefix . $val;

      // And its variant with trailing slash (
      $allpaths[] = md5('/' . $lang_prefix . $val . '/');

      // With language prefix, if available, e.g. /en/node/55
      $allpaths_dpm[] = '/' . $lang_prefix . $val . '/';
      if ($lang_prefix != '') {

        // Now, if we are counting NODE with language prefix, we also need to count the pageviews for that node without the prefix -- it could be that before it had no language prefix but it still was the same node!
        // BUT this will not work for non-nodes, e.g. views. There we depend on the path e.g. /en/myview because it would be tricky to get a valid language prefix out of the path. E.g. /en/myview could be a path of a view where "en" does not mean the English language. In other words, while prefix before node/id does not change the page (it's the same node), with views or other custom pages the prefix may actually contain completely different content.
        $allpaths[] = md5('/' . $val);
        $allpaths_dpm[] = '/' . $val;

        // And its variant with trailing slash (
        $allpaths[] = md5('/' . $val . '/');
        $allpaths_dpm[] = '/' . $val . '/';

        // @TODO ... obviously, here we should treat the possibility of the NODE/nid having a different language prefix. A niche case (how often do existing NODES change language?)

    // Find possible redirects for this path using redirect_load_multiple() from module Redirect
    if (function_exists('redirect_load_multiple')) {
      $path_no_slashes_at_ends = trim($path, '/');
      $redirectobjects = redirect_load_multiple(FALSE, array(
        'redirect' => $path_no_slashes_at_ends,
      foreach ($redirectobjects as $redirectobject) {
        $allpaths[] = md5('/' . $redirectobject->source);
        $allpaths_dpm[] = '/' . $redirectobject->source;

        // And its variant with trailing slash (
        $allpaths[] = md5('/' . $redirectobject->source . '/');
        $allpaths_dpm[] = '/' . $redirectobject->source . '/';
        $allpaths[] = md5('/' . $redirectobject->language . '/' . $redirectobject->source);
        $allpaths_dpm[] = '/' . $redirectobject->language . '/' . $redirectobject->source;

        // And its variant with trailing slash (
        $allpaths[] = md5('/' . $redirectobject->language . '/' . $redirectobject->source . '/');
        $allpaths_dpm[] = '/' . $redirectobject->language . '/' . $redirectobject->source . '/';

    // Very useful for debugging. In face each variant: node/NID, alias, redirect, non-node ... with or without trailing slash, with or without language ... should always give the same count (sum of counts of all path variants).



    // Get path counts for each of the path aliases.
    // Search hash values of path -- faster (primary key). E.g. SELECT pageviews FROM `google_analytics_counter` where pagepath_hash IN ('ee1c787bc14bec9945de3240101e919c', 'd884e66c2316317ef6294dc12aca9cef')
    $pathcounts = db_select('google_analytics_counter', 'gac')
      ->fields('gac', array(
      ->condition('pagepath_hash', $allpaths, 'IN')

    $sum_of_pageviews = 0;
    foreach ($pathcounts as $pathcount) {


      //dpm('partial: '.$pathcount->pageviews);
      $sum_of_pageviews += $pathcount->pageviews;

    //dpm('sum: '.$sum_of_pageviews);
    cache_set('google_analytics_counter_page_' . $cacheid, $sum_of_pageviews, 'cache', CACHE_TEMPORARY);


  //dpm('total sum: '.$sum_of_pageviews);
  return $sum_of_pageviews;