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function legacy_gmap_polyutil_point_line_dist in GMap Module 7.2

Distance between a point and a line segment.


array $q: Point to measure.

array $p1: Start point of line segment.

array $p2: End point of line segment.

Return value

float poliutil_dist.

1 call to legacy_gmap_polyutil_point_line_dist()
legacy_gmap_polyutil_dp_encode in tests/inc/
Implementation of the Douglas-Peucker polyline simplification algorithm.


tests/inc/, line 88
Encoded polyline utilities.




function legacy_gmap_polyutil_point_line_dist($q, $p1, $p2) {
  if ($p1[0] == $p2[0] && $p1[1] == $p2[1]) {

    // lp1 and lp2 are the same point--they don't define a line--so we return
    // the distance between two points.
    return legacy_gmap_polyutil_dist($q, $p1);

  // Use the dot product to find where q lies with respect to the line segment
  // p1p2. For more information, see:
  $u = (($p2[1] - $p1[1]) * ($q[1] - $p1[1]) + ($p2[0] - $p1[0]) * ($q[0] - $p1[0])) / (pow($p2[1] - $p1[1], 2) + pow($p2[0] - $p1[0], 2));

  // Point is not alongside segment, it is further off in $p1's direction.
  if ($u <= 0) {
    return legacy_gmap_polyutil_dist($q, $p1);
  elseif ($u >= 1) {
    return legacy_gmap_polyutil_dist($q, $p2);
  else {

    // Point is alongside segment
    // calculate distance between q and the nearest point on the line segment
    // use $u to calculate the nearest point on the line segment:
    // p1 + u*(p2 - p1) => [p1x + u*(p2x - p1x), p1y + u*(p2y - p1y)].
    return legacy_gmap_polyutil_dist($q, array(
      $p1[0] + $u * ($p2[0] - $p1[0]),
      $p1[1] + $u * ($p2[1] - $p1[1]),