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function _gmap_style_bubbles_help_text in GMap Module 7.2

A helper function to display help text.

Provides more detailed instructions on the "Bubble styles to apply" textarea.

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function _gmap_style_bubbles_help_text() {
  $text = t('See !link for examples.', array(
    '!link' => l(t('the infobubble documentation'), ''),
  $options = array(
    "shadowStyle" => t('Options: 0 (no shadow), 1 (default shadow), 2 (sharp shadow)'),
    "padding" => t('Like the css property, the padding of the bubble.'),
    "borderRadius" => t('Like the css property, the radius of the bubble\'s corners.'),
    "borderWidth" => t('Like the css property, the width in pixels of the border.'),
    "borderColor" => t('Like the css property, the hex or rgb color of the border.'),
    "backgroundColor" => t('This is the background of the content of the bubble, but NOT the entire bubble itself.'),
    "bubbleBackgroundClassName" => t('A css class for the entire bubble.'),
    "minWidth" => t('Like the css property, the minimum width of the bubble.'),
    "maxWidth" => t('Like the css property, the maximum width of the bubble.'),
    "minHeight" => t('Like the css property, the maximum height of the bubble.'),
    "arrowSize" => t('The width of the pointer arrow. NOTE: if you choose an arrow style that only uses half of the arrow, this number will be twice as wide as your arrow at its widest point.'),
    "arrowPosition" => t('The percent from the left of the bubble where the arrow will appear.'),
    "arrowStyle" => t('Options: 0 (full triangle), 1 (half triangle leaning left), 2 (half triangle leaning right)'),
    "closeImage" => t('The url of the image to use as the close button for the bubble'),
    "closeCursor" => t('Like the css property, the style of the cursor as it hovers over your close image. Default is pointer.'),
    "closeZIndex" => t('Like the css property, the z-index of the close image. Default is 0.'),
    "closeBorder" => t('Like the css property, the border style of the close image. Default is none.'),
    "closeHeight" => t('The height of the close image. Default is 12px.'),
    "closeWidth" => t('The width of the close image. Default is 12px.'),
    "closePosition" => t("Like the css property, the position the close image. Default is absolute."),
  foreach ($options as $title => $info) {
    $text .= "<br /><b>{$title}</b> - {$info}";
  return $text;