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function _gmap_style_bubbles_format_error in GMap Module 7.2

A helper function to format the missing library error message.

This message is called during install and when loading the gmap configurarion page in the case that the infobubble/src/infobubble-compiled.js file isn't found.

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function _gmap_style_bubbles_format_error($library) {
  $t = get_t();
  return $t('You need to download the !infobubble and extract the entire contents of the archive into the %path directory on your server. Only the src folder is required. Final path should be %path/infobubble/src/infobubble-compiled.js', array(
    '!infobubble' => l($t('infobubble plugin'), $library['download url']),
    '%path' => 'sites/all/libraries',